Degree Programs

MS in Genome Bioinformatics

The Master of Science in Genome Bioinformatics program prepares students for careers analyzing the human genome both in academia and in pharmaceutical and genomic testing industries. Graduates will meet the growing need for computational analysts with expertise in manipulating, annotating, and interpreting human genome data.

Students can take advantage of resources and research opportunities afforded by other health science schools, especially Pitt Medicine, where researchers are carrying out cutting-edge genomic studies using next-generation sequence data and bioinformatics tools and methods.

Graduates are experts in applying computation tools for studying and interpreting the human genome in a future where genomics is central to precision medicine and biomedical research. 

Program Requirements
student working together in classroom

Coursework for students in the MS in Genome Bioinformatics program is typically undertaken across two years (four semesters) with an industry internship after the first year.

faculty teaching
Industry Internship

Students participate in a summer internship in an industry partner in their area of interest, developing sought-after skills in preparation for entering the job market. This experience provides real-world data to be analyzed as part of the thesis project. Students work with faculty mentors to develop and implement an analysis pipeline for their data. 

timeline review with faculty
Student Handbook

The Student Handbook is the official source of guidelines for graduate students in the Department of Human Genetics. Requirements of the Master of Science in Genome Bioinformatics (MSGB) program and duties of MSGB students are described in detail.

MS in Genome Bioinformatics Competencies

The goal of the MS in Genome Bioinformatics program is to prepare students for careers analyzing the human genome both in academia and in pharmaceutical and genomic testing industries. Toward this end, students will gain proficiency in the knowledge and skills required to manipulate, annotate, and interpret human genome data. These educational goals are organized into eight program-specific competencies. After successful completion of the MS in Genome Bioinformatics program, students will be able to:

  • Process genetic and genomic data
  • Construct pipelines for high-throughput analysis of data
  • Annotate analysis results using contemporary bioinformatic resources
  • Communicate analysis methods and results to stakeholders
  • Describe data structures for holding genetic and genomic data
  • Describe the methods for generating genomic data
  • Analyze genetic and genomic data to address research questions
  • Visualize quality metrics and analysis results
Human Genetic Competencies

In addition to gaining expertise in genome data analysis and interpretation, students completing the MS in Genome Bioinformatics program will gain proficiency in the foundations of the field of Human Genetics. Specifically, after completing the program, students will be able to:

  • Describe basic genetic mechanisms and how they affect proteins, chromosomes, cells, individuals, and populations of organisms in normal and disease states
  • Describe mechanisms by which genes and the environment interact to affect the distribution of health and disease in human populations
  • Describe the importance of ethical principles, diversity, and inclusion in genetics research