Dual MPH/MS Genetic Counseling

Master of Public Health in Public Health Genetics and Master of Science in Genetic Counseling

A first-of-its-kind program building on two decades of excellence, the dual degree program enables students to build upon the clinical skills that they acquire through the Genetic Counseling Program to understand the importance of genetics, genomics, and genetic counseling in the field of public health. 

Given the rapid expansion of available genetic and genomic testing, the current focus on precision medicine, and the increasing interest of national organizations, state public health offices, and hospitals in the application of genomics to public health, there is a growing need for professionals with skills in both disciplines. Graduates of the dual degree program are well-prepared to integrate public health genetics into clinical, research, public health, and industry settings. The dual degree program also benefits students by broadening their areas of expertise and career qualifications in other areas of public health including program development, evaluation, and policy.

There are a variety of options for completing the dual degree, but most students are able to complete the dual degree program in 22 months, just one additional term beyond the typical time to complete the MS. 


Applicants to the Dual MPH Public Health Genetics/MS Genetic Counseling degree must meet the admissions requirements of both degrees. There are several different pathways via which students can enter the dual degree program. The following outlines each of these pathways, the admissions process for each pathway, and typical program completion time. Specific application instructions can be found online at SOPHAS and SOPHAS Express.

New Students Applying to the Dual Degree Program
  • Students can choose to apply directly to the dual degree program during the initial application process.
  • Apply through SOPHAS Express with the designation MPH/MS Genetic.
  • Typical Completion Time: 20-22 months
Students Accepted into the Genetic Counseling Program
  • Students accepted into the Genetic Counseling Program can decide to pursue the dual degree program during the first semester with guaranteed admission.
  • Apply through SOPHAS Express with the designation MS Genetic. Complete additional paperwork after admission.
  • Typical Completion Time: 20-22 months


Students Accepted into the MPH in Public Health Genetics Program
  • Students accepted into the MPH in Public Health Genetics can apply to the Genetic Counseling Program during future admission cycles.
  • Apply through SOPHAS with the designation MPH/HumGen-Public Health. Apply in future admission cycles to the Genetic Counseling Program via SOPHAS Express.
  • Typical Completion Time: 32 months

Thesis and Essay

Students in the dual degree program will complete both the thesis requirement for the MS in Genetic Counseling degree and the Essay requirement for the MPH in Public Health Genetics degree. Depending on the thesis and essay topics, sometimes these documents can be combined into one document comprising the student’s thesis project with additional background on public health genetics relevance and, at least, one additional, extensive chapter focusing on an application of public health genetics. The student’s thesis committee and the Program Director for the MPH in Public Health Genetics will work with the student to identify the additional components or topics that are needed to satisfy the MPH Essay requirement.

Recent Thesis-Essay projects of dual degree students include:

Browse further titles in D-Scholarship the institutional repository for research output at the University of Pittsburgh.

Student Experiences

Since entering the program, I've been impressed by the success of recent dual-degree graduates. Having both degrees gives you a special niche and allows you to carve out leadership positions for yourself where you can make an impact immediately after graduation"

- Katya (Class of 2015)

The dual degree program prepared me for my current role as both a traditional clinical pediatric genetic counselor and a public health educator. My public health degree has helped me take genetic counseling to a higher level by providing me with the skills to develop educational programs to raise awareness about genetic disorders outside the normal hospital/clinical setting."

- Aishwarya (Class of 2013)

My dual degree has allowed me to better anticipate the impact of emerging genetic technologies on clinical care and identify potential gaps in accessing genetic services.  As a result, I am currently possibilities to update state legislation surrounding prenatal and preconception services to include developing genetic screening tests."

- Andrew (Class of 2011)