
'I won't be used as a guinea pig for white people' - Black Pittsburghers think twice about vaccine trials


BCHS' Sara Baumann is a mixed-methods researcher harnessing participatory, arts-based tools to study mental health and reproductive health issues. She was living in Nepal in 2015 when a 7.9 magnitude earthquake struck, killing close to 9,000 people and displacing half a million and the community art that rose from the aftermath of the tragic and traumatic event. 

"I'd like you to imagine a time in your life when you felt like things were out of your control. The structures around you could crumble at any moment and the very ground beneath your feet, the one thing that you can always count on is now shaking, either physically or figuratively speaking? What did you do to cope and calm yourself during after experience? The poem I shared represents my coping techniceq and while I didn't realize it at the time I turned to the art form of writing and reflection as one way to cope with what I'd experienced and I wasn't alone. s one of my coping mechanisms."



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