2023 epidemiology grads and faculty
Teaching and Prevention Through Quality Research

Our department is leading research and prevention activities that impact public health by training students to evaluate and respond to important public health issues in aging and chronic disease prevention, reproductive health, environmental health, and infectious diseases.


brain illustration

Encouraging early intervention for Alzheimer’s in the Black community through an innovative interdisciplinary approach

“I’m a huge proponent of ensuring that the work that we do is grounded in community experience, lived experience and voice,” Associate Professor of Epidemiology and Associate Director of the Center for Health Equity Dara Méndez said.

The nine-member Board of Health

Transparency and equity on minds of Allegheny County’s almost entirely new health board members

While serving on the board, Dara Mendéz, associate professor of epidemiology and associate director of the Center for Health Equity will “ensure” that people who “have been historically and contemporarily excluded … are centered in our decision making and processes.”

Andrea Rosso

Taking a stride toward early ADRD detection

"Understanding what mechanisms are behind reduced mobility and why it may be more common among people who are at risk of dementia can help us create interventions that will help them," said Andrea Rosso associate professor in epidemiology.