These MHA and MHA/MBA students welcome your questions and look forward to talking with you about their programs. Raven Byars (MHA/MBA '26) Undergraduate educationLatin American and Latino studies, Pan African studies, Spanish, University of LouisvilleCareer interestsgovernment health insurance markets, pharmaceutical industryEmail | LinkedIn Stephanie Musto (MHA/MBA '26) Undergraduate educationpublic health at the University of KentuckyCareer interestsoperations, pharmaceuticals, ambulatory care, financeEmail | LinkedIn Madigan Lublin (MHA '26) Undergraduate educationhealth sciences at University of PittsburghCareer interestshospital operations, quality improvement, patient experienceEmail | LinkedIn Jon Jian (MHA '26) Undergraduate education kinesiology and exercise science at Virginia Commonwealth UniversityCareer interests hospital operations, patienty experience, quality improvement, medicineEmail | LinkedIn Neeharika Balaji (MHA '26) Undergraduate education international business at St. Joseph's College of CommerceCareer interests hospital administration, health insurance, health care entrepreneurshipEmail | LinkedIn Michelle Breit (MHA '26) Undergraduate education public policy and political science at North Carolina - Chapel HillCareer interests privacy and compliance, medical-legal partnerships, health law, quality improvementEmail | LinkedIn Natalya Temple (MHA '26) Undergraduate education kinesiology at San Diego State UniversityCareer interests hospital operations, practice managementEmail | LinkedIn Chloe Schur (MHA '26) Undergraduate education health policy & administration and information science technology at The Pennsylvania State UniversityCareer interests health care consulting, health care IT (medical devices, AI, innovation)Email | LinkedIn Kendall Ruffner (MHA '26) Undergraduate education global health at Arizona State UniversityCareer interests operations, surgical services, medical group managementEmail | LinkedIn