Staff Resources

School of Public Health Alerts via NotifyU

An opt-in system that provides critical School of Public Health building-specific information via email, text and voice message  in the event of an emergency. To subscribe log on to, search for and start the NotifyU tool, click Opt-in Lists from the menu of options and then check the box for the School of Public Health Alerts. 

Facilities at Pitt Public Health

Information about our facilities, including classrooms and reservation information. 

What to do in an Emergency

Make sure you're signed up for all of the NotifyU alerts you need and learn about staying safe in the event of an emergency. 

IT Policies and Support

Submit a ticket or get answers to commonly-faced issues or review policies that apply to all users of the school's computer resources.


Communication Resources

Templates, guidelines, branding information and links to University resources plus directory, headshot and other website information. 

Instructional Resources

Available classroom technology for loan and other information for instructors. 


staff on ground floor
Public Health Staff Committee

Ten members comprise the committee, one from each of the school’s seven academic departments, as well as Information Technology, Student Affairs, and the Dean’s Office. Members represent staff interests and concerns and communicate between their units and leadership.

Benefits of Working at Pitt slide
Pitt Staff Council

Staff Council serves as a center for input and dissemination of information and provides a means of communication between staff and other members of the Pitt community. Membership is comprised of representatives of the University staff and officers that are elected by the Council membership. Committee chairs and vice chairs lead the efforts of the 5 standing committees.

annual faculty meeting
Faculty Committees

At Pitt Public Health, the governance activities of the administration and faculty are unified, and all standing committees report to one principal body—the Pitt Public Health Council. Standing committees are Faculty Senate Executive Committee, Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Committee, Faculty Diversity Committee, Planning and Budget Policies Committee, Educational Policies and Curriculum Committee.

Staff Union

Eligible Pitt staff recently voted for representation with the USW and are forming a Communication and Action Team. Those in the bargaining unit will soon complete a bargaining survey and vote on a bargaining committee. 

Pitt Information and FAQs

USW Information

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