EPI Journal Clubs and Seminars

Journal Clubs

In journal clubs, students develop critical evaluation and discussion skills as they become familiar with public health and epidemiologic literature.

CAPH Epidemiology of Aging Journal Club

Designed as practical professional skill development for Epidemiology of Aging trainees and students, the Center for Aging and Population Health (CAPH) Epidemiology of Aging Workshop Series alternates a seminar format with an article review/professional skills sessions on a biweekly basis. All interested in joining the discussions are welcome to attend. 

This workshop is offered every Friday from 12:30pm-1:30pm during the fall term and 1:00pm-2:00pm during the spring term. It takes place at 130 N. Bellefield Avenue, Room 324. If you would like to attend remotely, please contact Michelle Utz-Kiley (kileym@edc.pitt.edu) to obtain the Zoom meeting information.

CVD Epidemiology Journal Club

The CVD Epidemiology journal club is a forum for scientific interaction between CVD Epidemiology training program students, collaborating faculty and other students with interest in CVD Epidemiology. The main focus is the presentation of research being conducted by the CVD Epidemiology training program students which may take the form of practice for overview/comprehensive meetings, preparation for conference talks and/or informal works in progress (WIP) presentations. In addition, we will review published articles related to CVD epidemiology and methodology.


Meetings are in person with a Zoom option, select Mondays 3:30-4:30 p.m., A521 Public Health as follows: 

January 22
January 29
February 5
February 19
March 4
March 25
April 1
April 15



Rain Katz

Primary Faculty

Akira Sekikawa
Emma Barinas-Mitchell
Allison Kuipers

Diabetes Journal Club

The purpose of the Diabetes Research Journal Club is to discuss current literature in the area of diabetes, bringing us all up to date with current issues in the field. Each member will be asked to pick a date to briefly (5 minutes) present an article from the journal of their choice, which will be followed by group discussion. However, everyone is invited to brief the group on articles they may have found of interest at every meeting. The journal club also provides an opportunity for students, post-docs, and faculty to discuss their own diabetes-related research in an informal setting.

To join the mailing list or for additional information, please contact the facilitator, Dr. Rachel Miller (MillerR@edc.pitt.edu).

eBRAIN Journal Clubs

For questions regarding the eBRAIN Journal Club, please contact Julia Lewand.

The Epidemiology of Brain Resilience in Aging (eBRAIN) program and the Claude D. Pepper Center at the University of Pittsburgh sponsor the epiBRAIN Journal Club, a multidisciplinary journal club to explore the application of neuroimaging methods in the context of aging and population studies, with a specific focus on advances in MRI and their neuroanatomical correlates in the aging brain. The journal club draws on expertise in epidemiology, psychiatry, psychology, rehabilitation sciences, biomedical engineering, geriatric medicine, and neuroscience.

T32 PNA Meetings
The T32 Population Neuroscience of Aging, Alzheimer’s Disease and Age-related Dementia (PNA) Training Grant trains highly talented individuals to pursue successful independent research in the etiology of Alzheimer’s Disease and other age-related dementia (ADRD).

More eBRAIN Journal Clubs & Events

Epidemiology Seminar

Spring 2025 Emerging Fields in Epidemiology: Pushing the Field Forward

Thursdays from 11:30-12:30 p.m. with networking 30 minutes before and 20 minutes afterwards. 

Upcoming Seminars 

Course Director: Anne Meals

Seminar will take place on Thursdays from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. in G23, with opportunities to connect with students and faculty before and afterwards. 

11-11:30 a.m. Departmental Networking

Enjoy networking in the Commons with coffee before seminar each week. 

12:30-12:50 p.m. Dialogue with Speaker

The presenter and other faculty will be available after seminar to connect with students and answer questions. 

Students not registered for the course, postdocs, & faculty are welcome to participate. Students should come prepared with engaging questions for the presenters. Students and GSR’s attending in person will be required to sign-in each week through the scanning of a QR code. This code will be posted at all the entrances to G23. Students should come prepared with engaging questions for the presenters.

The annual Sutton-Tyrell lecture each spring is part of the seminar series.