Mission and Vision Statement
To lead visionary ventures in education, research, and practice that ensure a safe and healthy environment for all, now and in the future.
- Train an outstanding and empowered environmental and occupational health workforce
- Lead paradigm-shifting fundamental, applied, and community-engaged research
- Apply our teaching and transdisciplinary research excellence to promote practices and policies that advance equitable community and global environmental health
- Foster an equitable, collaborative, inclusive culture for students, staff, and faculty
Intrinsic to our mission and vision are:
Innovative Research
- Health effects of biological, chemical and physical agents
- Environmental justice and health disparities
- Environmental health policy and practice
- Computational toxicology and risk assessment
- Molecular and biochemical toxicology
- Epigenetics and gene-environment interactions in human diseases
- Exposome and life-course epidemiology
Education and Training
- Undergraduate program (BSPH with environmental health focus)
- Departmental graduate programs (MS, MPH, and two PhD tracks)
- MPH student practicum
- Certificate and training programs (including non-degree programs)
Practice and Community Engagement
- The Caribbean Consortium for Research in Environmental and Occupational Health
- Center for Free Radical and Antioxidant Health
- Center for Healthy Environments and Communities
- Center for Health, Environment, and Engaged Research
- Rust to Resilience Environmental Chemical Research Center
- Center for Human Environmental and Equity Research
- Asthma and Environmental Lung Health Institute
- University of Pittsburgh Asthma and Environmental Lung Health Institute
- Public health capacity building, outreach, and education
- Local and global community partnerships and collaborations