MS in Environmental and Occupational Health

The emphasis of the MS in environmental and occupational health is directed towards the theoretical underpinnings of environmental health sciences and toxicology with more limited involvement in laboratory-based research. The program is designed as an integrated modern curriculum combining the training in the toxicological and environmental biophysics disciplines that are traditional to the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health with the new and continually developing fields of cellular and molecular pathobiology of environmental disease and gene environment interactions.

The program provides an understanding of how relevant environmental exposures, laboratory based model systems, and gene-environment responses can be interpreted and applied to the study of disease etiology in exposed and potentially exposed human populations. The MS degree may be awarded as a terminal degree to students who do not enter the PhD program.

Requirements & Program Information
  • 42 credits of coursework and research
  • Coursework in environmental science, health, and disease
  • Coursework in public health foundations
  • Advanced coursework in toxicology and environmental exposure
  • Advanced thesis or essay research and coursework in an area of focus

Graduates will be able to:

  • Discuss mechanisms for the direct and indirect human, ecological and safety effects of major environmental and occupational hazards

  • Describe the principles of pathogenic interactions of environmental toxicants at the molecular and physiologic levels of disease promotion
  • Discuss effective methodologies to evaluate environmental and human exposures to major environmental and occupational hazards

  • Critically evaluate environmental and occupational health sciences literature

  • Conduct a comprehensive literature review for a topic appropriate to environmental and occupational health sciences