Partnering through research, practice, and teaching
The faculty and staff of BCHS are proud to partner with many local community organizations in research, practice, and teaching. Learn more about these partner organizations or connect with BCHS contacts for details on specific partnerships and related projects by clicking on the triangles below.
Age-Friendly Greater Pittsburgh
- Standing Community Practicum Site: Elizabeth Felter
- Advisory board member: Mary Hawk
- Partner in research: James Egan
Allegheny County Health Department
- The Department of Behavioral and Community Health Sciences has had a long-standing relationship with the Allegheny County Health Department. ACHD professionals serve as adjunct faculty in the department and often make presentations in BCHS classes. In addition ACHD has provided internship and practicum experiences for many BCHS students, and BCHS faculty have collaborated with ACHD on numerous community-based projects. For example, view this collaborative survey flyer between ACHS and BCHS with a link to the report.
Collaborations include:
- Member of Living Well Allegheny, Chronic Disease Workgroup: Steven Albert
- Partner with DASH project (Data sharing and visualization): Steven Albert
- Community partner for BCHS 2504 Overview of Health Communication, project development: Elizabeth Felter
Allegheny County Department of Human Services
- Member of Immigrants and International Advisory Council: Patricia Documet
- Pittsburgh Summer Institute practicum partner: Martha Terry
Allen Place Community Services, Inc.
- Member of the board of directors: Lora Ann Bray
- Foster capacity-building opportunities to advance the mission of the organization: Lora Ann Bray
ALLIES Allies for Health + Wellbeing (formerly Pittsburgh AIDS Task Force)
- Board member: Ron Stall
- Collaborative relationship, supporting them on specific events and topics: Mary Hawk
- Community partner for BCHS 2504 Overview of Health Communications’ project development: Elizabeth Felter
- Member of the African American Diabetes Action Council (AADAC) which advocates for more research, programs, and policies to reduce disparities among African American populations: Tiffany Gary-Webb
- Long term community partner supportive of the Center for Health Equity barbershop initiative: Lora Ann Bray, Patricia Documet
- Member of the Multicultural Initiative Executive Leadership Team Education Committee: Lora Ann Bray
Baptist Home Society
- Provide interactive presentations to residents on brain health and healthy aging: Andrea Weinstein
Long term Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh partner working with homeless women: Thistle Elias
Long term Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh partner working with teens in Braddock: Thistle Elias
- Board president, provide assistance in Latino needs assessment: Patricia Documet
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh, Family Care Connection Program
- Training parents of preschool children about how to promote healthy bran development for school readiness: Jeanette Trauth
Community Human Services
- Long term Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh community health internship site working with bridge housing for adults with MH/DD diagnoses: Thistle Elias
- Community based participatory research project partner on topics including SPMI, community safety, and homelessness: Jessica Burke
- Partner in community health worker participatory research project with Latinos: Patricia Documet
Long term Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh community health internship site working with low income families of children 0-3 years: Thistle Elias
Community partner for BCHS 2504 Overview of Health Communications project development. Founder Judy Bannon is regular guest lectures in 2504: Elizabeth Felter
First Steps Recovery, McKeesport
Partner with street outreach and life coach violence prevention effort: Steven Albert, Richard Garland
President, working on neighborhood advocacy and development, community walk with students, practicums: Martha Terry
Greater Pittsburgh Community Food Bank
Evaluation partner for school-based backpack feeding programs: Elizabeth Felter
Partner in planning and evaluation for Green Grocer Mobile market program: Tiffany Gary-Webb
Long term Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh community health internship site working with a summer camp for at-risk girls and teen pregnancy program: Thistle Elias
Member of Community Action Network Committee that advocates for needs, ideas, and values of the communities they serve: Lora Ann Bray
Collaboration with Center for Health Equity to host its spring 2018 Maternal and Child Health Symposium at the University of Pittsburgh: Lora Ann Bray, Dara Mendez
Heritage Community Initiatives
Long term Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh community health internship site working with a summer camp of children in Braddock: Thistle Elias
Community partner for BCHS 2504 Overview of Health Communications project development: Elizabeth Felter
History of engaged research around issues related to intimate partner violence: Jessica Burke
Formative qualitative research partner for the Adolescent Behavioral Health Initiative: Jessica Burke
Community engaged research partner addressing health disparities associated with breast cancer in Southwestern Pennsylvania: Jessica Burke
Advising team member to Latino Apostolate Staff on outreach to Latinos: Patricia Documet
- Partner in Latino needs assessment: Patricia Documet
- Community partner for BCHS 2504 Overview of Health Communications project development: Elizabeth Felter
- AIU Latino Family Center Facebook
- Volunteer for neighborhood advocacy and development: Andrea Weinstein
Meals on Wheels of Greater Pittsburgh
- A consortium of providers in the county for home bound people in need of nutritional assistance: Steven Albert
- Member of capital campaign: Patricia Documet
Northern Area Companies/Northern Area Multiservice Agency, Sharpsburg
- Project funded through Highmark to assess meal delivery to older adults discharged from hospitals: Steven M Albert
PAEYC (PA Association for Education of Young Children)
Planned Parenthood of Western PA
- Community engaged research on the PPWP peer helpers and IOTAS program: Jessica Burke
- Community partner for BCHS 2504 Overview of Health Communications project development: Elizabeth M Felter
- Partner in research with Level 1 trauma services for firearm violence: Steven M Albert, Richard Garland
- Provide interactive presentations to residents on brain health and healthy aging: Andrea Weinstein
- Recent Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh community health internship site working with homeless families in Clairton: Thistle Elias
- Long term Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh community health internship site working with mothers in recovery: Thistle Elias
South Hills Interfaith Movement
- Recent Bridging the Gaps-Pittsburgh community health internship site working with refugees and under-served populations: Thistle Elias
Southwestern PA Regional AIDS Planning Coalition
- Advisory board member: Mary Hawk
- Partner in a community health worker participatory research project with Latinos, new projects with Latino men: Patricia Documet
- Founding board member, advisory board chair for organization providing supportive housing and services for high risk individuals: Mary Hawk
United Way of Allegheny County
- Caregiver advisory work group: Steven Albert
- Evaluation project partner, member of working group for local Weekend Backpack Feeding Programs: Elizabeth Felter
Additional Engagement Opportunities
BCHS encourages faculty, staff and students to become engaged in several additional community partnerships. Here’s a sample:
- Bridging The Gaps Pittsburgh
- Community Research Advisory Board (CRAB)
- G.R.I.P.S.
- Health Advocates in Research (HAIR)
- Labor Counsel of Latin American Advancement (LCLAA)
- Latino Engagement Group for Salud (LEGS)
- MACS Study
- POWER Study
- RAICES Project