Jeanette Trauth

  • Associate Professor Emerita, Behavioral and Community Health Sciences
  • Associate Professor Emerita, Health Policy and Management
  • Associate Professor Emerita, Clinical & Translational Science Institute
  • Affiliate Faculty, Center for Health Equity

My current research continues to focus on social determinants of health—that is, the social and physical environment within which people live their lives. However, during the past year I have begun to think about this issue from the perspective of the framework laid out in the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Building a National Culture of Health. The Culture of Health Action Framework focuses on four areas that support improved population health, well-being and equity—one of which is of particular interest to me—creating healthier, more equitable communities. The two pending research grants submitted this past year focus on promoting physical activity in ways that create healthier, more equitable communities. In addition, the three course development grants that I received to travel to the UK this summer will support my effort to learn about what researchers, local government officials, and community groups are doing to address problems like social isolation by promoting social connections and thus create healthier communities.


1975 University of Dayton, Dayton, OH. BS Education
1978 University of Pittsburgh, MPA Public Administration
1981 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY. MS Science, Technology, Values
1988 University of Pittsburgh, PhD Public Administration (Organizational Theory and Behavior)


I teach several graduate courses including three doctoral seminars and a masters’ level health behavior theory course. I also oversee DrPH students in their required fieldwork experiences. I also serve on several thesis and dissertation committees each year.
BCHS 2520: Theories of Health Behavior & Health Education
BCHS 3004: Integrative Research Seminar: Grant Writing
BCHS 3006: Integrative Research Seminar: Manuscript Writing
BCHS 3555: Doctoral Seminar in BCHS Theories and Models
BCHS 3703: DrPH Executive Management Practicum


I currently direct the BCHS Doctoral Program. This involves overseeing the admission of new students each year, assistance with new student orientation, on-going academic advising throughout the year, overseeing the qualifying exams process for all first year doctoral students, curriculum issues and monitoring student performance.

I have also served on various school-wide standing committees such as Planning and Budget Policies Committee (PBPC), Faculty Advancement, Promotion and Tenure Committee (FAPTC), and I served as the President of the school's Faculty Senate (2008-2009). In addition, I have served on the recent reaccreditation committee, BCHS faculty search committees and the annual Dean’s Day student research competition.

I am a member of the Editorial Board, Family & Community Health Journal. And, I also review for numerous public health journals, including American Journal of Preventive Medicine; Pediatrics, BMC Health Services Research, Family & Community Health, Health Education & Behavior. I also review grants for NIH/NCI on a regular basis.

2015 Chair-Elect, DrPH Council, ASPPH
2016 Chair, DrPH Council, ASPPH.

I am a member of Temple Sinai Tikkun Olam, Social Justice Center in Pittsburgh and an active member of my neighborhood civic association.

Selected Publications

The following are selected publications that reflect the range of my research interests as well as publications with students.

Meanley S, Biernesser C, O’Malley T, Baer T and Trauth JM. A review of the use of position generator instruments to collect information on individual social capital in health surveillance surveys.

Saoji N, Baran J, Gerhardt CA, Vannatta K, Rotter D, Trauth JM, Noll RB. The Psychometrics of the Children’s Depression Inventory When Used with Children who are Chronically Ill and Matched Community Comparison Peers. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 2018. doi:10.1177/0734282918774963.

Bellon JE, Driessen J, Stevans JM, James E, Reynolds BR and Trauth JM. (senior author). Organizational and Environmental Context for Including Advanced Practice Providers in UPMC Hospitalist Models. Journal of Organizational Psychology, 2017. 17(2).

McDonough B, Felter E, Downes A and Trauth J* (*corresponding author). Communicating Public Health Preparedness Information to Pregnant and Postpartum Women: An Assessment of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Web Pages. Disaster Medicine and Public Health Preparedness. 2015; 9(2):134-137.

Flatt JD, Hughes TF, Documet PI, Lingler JH, Trauth, JM and Albert SM. A Qualitative Study on the types and Purposes of Social Activities in Late Life. Activities, Adaptation & Aging, 2015. 39(2).

Documet P, Bear TM, Flatt JD, Macia L, Trauth J and Ricci EM. The Association of Social Support and Education with Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening. Health Education & Behavior, 2015, 42(1): 55-64. (Published online November 12, 2014.)

Jessica G. Burke, Jeanette Trauth and Steven Albert. Chapter 1: Community Health Research in the 21st Century, in Methods for Community Public Health Research: Integrated and Engaged Approaches. Springer Publishing, March 2014.

Documet PI, Trauth JM, Key M, Flatt JD and Jernigan J. Breast Cancer Survivors’ Perception of Survivorship. Oncology Nursing Forum, 2012. 39(3): 309-315.

Trauth J, Documét PI, Hawk M, Arnold N. Aligning a Departmental DrPH Program with the new ASPH Competencies. Public Health Reports, 2011. 126(2): 294-298.

Ling BS, Schoen RE, Trauth JM, Wahed AS, Eury T, Simak DM, Solano FX, and Weissfeld JL. Physicians encouraging colorectal screening: a randomized controlled trial of enhanced office and patient management on compliance with colorectal cancer screening. Arch Intern Med, 2009. 169(1): 47-55.

Ling BS, Trauth JM; Fine MJ; Mor MK; Resnick A; Braddock CH; Bereknyei S; Weissfeld J; Schoen R; Ricci EM; and Whittle J. Informed Decision-making and Colorectal Cancer Screening: Is it occurring in Primary Care? Medical Care, 2008. 46(9 Suppl 1): S23-9.

Mary Ann Sevick, Jeanette M. Trauth, Bruce S. Ling, Roger T. Anderson, Gretchen A. Piatt, Amy M. Kilbourne and Robert M. Goodman. “Patients with Complex Chronic Diseases: Perspectives on Supporting Self-Management.” Journal General Internal Medicine, 2007, 22 (Suppl 3): 438-444.

Trauth JM, Jernigan JC, Siminoff LA, Musa D, Neal-Ferguson D, and Weissfeld J. Factors Affecting African American Women’s Decisions to Join the PLCO Cancer Screening Trial. Journal of Clinical Oncology 2005; 23 (34):8730-8738.

Helinski DT, Trauth JM*, Jernigan J and Kerr MJ. Describing a Folic Acid Intervention for Health Care Providers: Implications for Professional Practice and Continuing Education. Journal of Health Promotion Practice 2004; 5 (3):326-333. (*Corresponding author).

Trauth JM, Ling BS, Weissfeld JL, Schoen RE and Hayran M. Using the Transtheoretical Model to Stage Screening Behavior for Colorectal Cancer. Health Education & Behavior 2003; 30 (3): 322-336.

Trauth JM, Zimmerman RK, Musa D, Mainzer H and Nutini JF. Do Beliefs of Inner-City Parents About Disease and Vaccine Risks Affect Immunization? Journal of the National Medical Association 2002; 94 (9): 820-832.

Jernigan JC, Trauth JM, Neal-Ferguson D and Cartier-Ulrich C. Factors that Influence Cancer Screening in Older African American Men and Women: Focus Group Findings. Family & Community Health 2001; 24 (3): 27-33.

Trauth JM, Musa D, Siminoff L, Jewell IK, and Ricci E. Public Attitudes Regarding Willingness to Participate in Medical Research Studies. Journal of Health & Social Policy 2000;12 (2): 23-43