Outreach and Engagement

World Polio Day

End Polio Now - baby being vaccinated - rotary

On October 24, 2024, Rotary International, in partnership with the University of Pittsburgh, celebrated World Polio Day. Panel discussions between Peter Salk, Rotary International president Stephanie Urchick, and Polio pioneers were held to commemorate Jonas Salk's innovative vaccine and the ongoing efforts to eradicate Polio worldwide. Through the Jonas Salk University Teams' initiatives, eight polio pre-pioneers (phase I & II participants) were in attendance, honoring the bravery of Pittsburgh and its community's contribution to minimizing polio and advancing science.

Oral History Project

The donation made by Jonas Salk has made it possible for the planning of an oral history project. Our goal is create a platform for all the volunteers that took part in the phase II trials of Dr. Salk's polio vaccination campaign to share their stories. 

During the years 1952-54 Salk engaged local Pittsburgh area public, parochial, and private schools to vaccinate first, second, and third grade school children. For easy access, a full list of schools involved in phase II trials can be found on our resources page. If you believe you are one of the brave 7,500 participants, please contact us. 

Letter to participants

According to records housed here at the University of Pittsburgh, we believe that you were a participant in the historic 1952-54 polio vaccine trials conducted by Dr. Jonas Salk when you were an elementary student at Shady Side Academy. 

On behalf of the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health, we would like to thank you for the contributions you made to the development of the polio vaccine and to the world of public health. It is our goal to honor and commemorate the pioneering volunteers and the Pittsburgh community that rallied behind Jonas Salk's vaccine. 

Before the vaccine was tested nationally, Dr. Salk first turned to willing volunteers from the community of Pittsburgh. Salk engaged local schools, asking parents to volunteer over 7,500 Pittsburgh area children to take part in these early vaccine trials. 

If you are interested in revisiting your important role in the ongoing effort to end polio, we would love to hear from you! Please reach out using the link below or by email, mail, or phone using the information at the top of this letter to confirm that you did participate in the Salk vaccine studies and to learn more about the records we have from that time. And if you would like, please tell us about your memories of getting vaccinated. 


We also encourage you to visit the Salk Legacy Exhibit at the University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health. Materials displayed here are part of a generous gift to the University from the Salk Family. See archival photos, an iron lung, and artifacts from Jonas Salk's lab, including his desk! 


students in the commons and Pitt Panthers bus


Dean Lichtveld, Emeritus Dean Burke and staff with End Polio Now t shirts and artifacts