Center for Health Equity

Engaging Communities, Eliminating Health Disparities, Advancing Social Justice


Since 2011, the Center for Health Equity (CHE) seeks to understand and ultimately eliminate health inequities in under resourced, vulnerable, and underserved communities and populations, particularly those in Western Pennsylvania. CHE addresses issues attributed to institutional racism, builds strategic partnerships across sectors and communities, acknowledges a social equity in all policies perspective, and the public sector's role in achieving health equity for its citizenry.

About CHE

Cathedral of Learning shot
Community Research Advisory Board

The Community Research Advisory Board (CRAB) is a group of faculty and community stakeholders that host monthly meetings to provide consultation to researchers interested in engaging community members in research projects. The CRAB aims to ensure that research studies are culturally sensitive and relevant.

Man exercising
Certificate in Health Equity

Designed to increase the cultural competency of public health and other professionals, this innovative 15-credit health equity graduate certificate program addresses the systemic root causes of health disparities.

Public Health building

Find resources for the community, researchers, students, and faculty that address issues important to health equity and health disparities.

People jumping with sunset in background
CHE Newsletter

The Equity Edition

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...or check out the archive