Anthony Fabio, MPH, PhD, is an epidemiologist on the forefront of social epidemiologic approaches to understanding violence. Dr. Fabio's main research interests include understanding social causes of violence as well as community and individual level causes of violence trends. He has published important works in leading journals including the American Journal of Epidemiology and the American Journal of Public Health. He has led national symposiums on how social factors affect violence and has been invited to speak across the country. The NIH, the CDC, the Department of Defense and other institutions have funded his work. Dr. Fabio works in other areas, notably traumatic brain injury, where he provides epidemiologic and statistical expertise including novel statistical modeling techniques. He received an MPH and PhD in Epidemiology from the University of Pittsburgh. He was the Director of the Center for Injury Research and Control (CIRCL) from 2008 to 2010 and served as a Visiting Professor at Cambridge University, England.
1999 | University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | Ph.D. Epidemiology
1994 | University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | Master of Public Health
1990 | University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | B.A. Clinical Dietetics/Nutrition
Primary Instructor - EPIDEM 2143 - "Social Epidemiology", Department of Epidemiology, Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh
- Schiff MD, Mair CF, Barinas-Mitchell E, Brooks MM, Méndez DD, Naimi AI, Reeves A, Hedderson M, Janssen I, Fabio A. Longitudinal profiles of neighborhood socioeconomic vulnerability influence blood pressure changes across the female midlife period. Health & Place. 2023 Jul 1;82:103033.
- Schiff MD, Mendez DD, Gary-Webb TL, Inman JJ, Fabio A. A decade of drinking: temporal trends in apparent household beer intake and standard drink consumption in the United States. Substance Use & Misuse. 2021 Jul 29;56(9):1363-73.
- Creppage KE, Yohannan J, Williams K, Buchanich JM, Songer TJ, Wisniewski SR, Fabio A. The rapid escalation of fentanyl in illicit drug evidence in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, 2010-2016. Public Health Reports. 2018 Mar;133(2):142-6.
- Fabio A, Duell J, Creppage K, O'Donnell K, Laporte R. Gaps continue in firearm Surveillance: Evidence from a large US city Bureau of Police. Social Medicine. 2016 Jul 25;10(1):13-21.
- Fabio A, Geller R, Bazaco M, Bear TM, Foulds AL, Duell J, Sharma R. A Survey of Residents’ Perceptions of the Effect of Large‐Scale Economic Developments on Perceived Safety, Violence, and Economic Benefits. Journal of environmental and public health. 2015;2015(1):903264.
- Niyonkuru C, Wagner AK, Ozawa H, Amin K, Goyal A, Fabio A. Group-based trajectory analysis applications for prognostic biomarker model development in severe TBI: a practical example. Journal of Neurotrauma. 2013 Jun 1;30(11):938-45.
- Berger RP, Fromkin JB, Stutz H, Makoroff K, Scribano PV, Feldman K, Tu LC, Fabio A. Abusive head trauma during a time of increased unemployment: a multicenter analysis. Pediatrics. 2011 Oct 1;128(4):637-43.
- Fabio A, Tu LC, Loeber R, Cohen J. Neighborhood socioeconomic disadvantage and the shape of the age–crime curve. American Journal of Public Health. 2011 Dec;101(S1):S325-32.
- Fabio A, Loeber R, Balasubramani GK, Roth J, Fu W, Farrington DP. Why some generations are more violent than others: assessment of age, period, and cohort effects. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2006 Jul 15;164(2):151-60.
- Weiss HB, Songer TJ, Fabio A. Fetal deaths related to maternal injury. Jama. 2001 Oct 17;286(15):1863-8.