Robert M Boudreau

  • Assistant Professor

1973, Fairfield University, BS Mathematics
1986, University of Pittsburgh, PhD Statistics


EPIDEM 2180 – Epidemiological Methods 1

  • Co-Primary Instructor 2013,2014; Course Director 2015; occasional guest lecturer

EPIDEM 2850/CLRES 2095/Pharm 2003 - Introduction to Pharmacoepidemiology

  • Regular expert guest lecture: "Confounding in Pharmacoepidemiology Studies"

EPIDEM 2900 - Advanced Epidemiology of Aging

  • Regular expert guest lecture: Analysis Issues in Studies of Aging

EPIDEM 2950 Epidemiology of Aging Seminar/Workshop

  • Regular expert guest lecture (recent examples)

-11/06/2015: Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Slope Predictors But Were Afraid to Ask
-9/30/2016,12/09/19: Time-varying Covariates in Cox Proportional Hazards Regression
-4/07/2017, 3/27/20: Competing Risks Survival Analysis
-11/17/2017: Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data
-3/16/2018, 10/16/2020: Testing for mediation: Beyond the 10% attenuation criterion
-9/21/2018, 2/5/2021: Longitudinal Analyses in Aging
-3/8/2019: Practical Approach to Causal Pathway Analyses

Research Interests
  • Physiologic, neurological, subclinical, genetic, lifestyle and behavioral factors: Associations with healthy aging, disability and frailty.
  • Osteoarthritis (especially knee OA, MRI imaging), Osteoporosis.
  • Longitudinal modeling and analysis of epidemiologic data.
  • Quantification and statistical assessment of degree of mediation, confounding, effect modification and causal associations in epidemiologic studies
  • Medical outcomes risk-adjustment methods and health services research

My research interests are particularly focused on the application and development of methods for modeling longitudinal data, in hierarchical and mixed models, in cluster analysis and longitudinal latent class and mixture models, in the uses of administrative claims data for epidemiological and medical research and in the discovery and clear presentation of patterns through visualization of multi-dimensional data.

Selected Publications

(Selection from 195 refereed articles)

1. Newman AB, Simonsick EM, Naydeck BL,Boudreau RM, Kritchevsky SB, Nevitt MC, Pahor M, Satterfield S, Brach JS, Studenski SA, Harris TB. Association of long-distance corridor walk performance with mortality, cardiovascular disease, mobility limitation, and disability. JAMA, 2006;295(17):2018-2026. PMID16670410.

2. Newman AB,Boudreau RM, Naydeck BL, Fried LF, Harris TB. A Physiologic Index of Comorbidity: Relationship to Mortality and Disability. J Gerontol Med Sci, 2008; 63A(6):603-609. PMC2496995.

3.Boudreau RM, Hanlon JT, Roumani YF, Studenski SA, Ruby CM, Wright RM, Hilmer SN, Shorr RI, Bauer DC, Simonsick EM, Newman AB. Central nervous system medication use and mobility limitation in community elders: The Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Safety, 2009:18:916-922. PMC2904745.

4. Thompson LR,Boudreau R, Newman AB, Hannon MJ, Chu CR, Nevitt MC, Kwoh KC.The association of osteoarthritis risk factors with localized, regional and diffuse knee pain. Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 2010;18(10):1244-1249. PMC3132895.

5. Rosano C, Longstreth WT Jr,Boudreau R, Taylor CA, Du Y, Kuller LH, Newman AB. High blood pressure accelerates gait slowing in well-functioning older adults over 18-years of follow-up. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011; 59(3):390-397. PMID21391929.

6. Sanders JL,Boudreau RM, Fried LP, Walston JD, Harris TB, Newman AB. Measurement of organ structure and function enhances understanding of the physiological basis of frailty: the Cardiovascular Health Study. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2011; 59(9):1581-1588. PMID21883106.

7. Cauley JA, Danielson ME,Boudreau R, Barbour KE, Horwitz MJ, Bauer DC, Ensrud KE, Manson JE, Wactawski-Wende J, Shikany JM, Jackson RD. Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D and clinical fracture risk in a multiethnic cohort of women: the Women's Health Initiative (WHI). J Bone Miner Res. 2011; 26(10):2378-88. PMID21710614.

8. Sanders JL,Boudreau RM, Penninx BW, Simonsick EM, Kritchevsky SB, Satterfield S, Harris TB, Bauer DC, Newman AB; for the Health ABC Study. Association of a Modified Physiologic Index with Mortality and Incident Disability: The Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 67(12):1439-1446. PMID22546961.

9. Barbour KE,Boudreau R, Danielson ME, Youk AO, Wactawski-Wende J, Greep NC, Lacroix AZ, Jackson RD, Wallace RB, Bauer DC, Allison MA, Cauley JA. Inflammatory markers and the risk of hip fracture: The women's health initiative. J Bone Miner Res. 2012; 27(5):1167-1176. PMID22392817.

10. White DK, Neogi T, Nevitt MC, Peloquin CE, Zhu Y,Boudreau RM, Cauley JA, Ferrucci L, Harris TB, Satterfield SM, Simonsick EM, Strotmeyer ES, Zhang Y. (2013) Trajectories of gait speed predict mortality in well-functioning older adults: the health, aging and body composition study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 68(4):456-64. PMID23051974.

11, Lo-Ciganic WH,Boudreau RM, Gray SL, Zgibor JC, Donohue JM, Perera S, Newman AB, Simonsick EM, Bauer DC, Satterfield S, Hanlon JT. Changes in cholesterol-lowering medications use over a decade in community-dwelling older adults. Ann Pharmacother. 2013 Jul-Aug;47(7-8):984-92. PMID: 23780807

12. Kwoh K, Roemer FW, Hannon MJ, Moore CE, Jakicic JM, Guermazi A, Green SM, Evans RW,Boudreau R. Effect of oral glucosamine on joint structure in individuals with chronic knee pain: a randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2014 Apr;66(4):930-9. PMID: 24616448

13. Albert SM, King J,Boudreau R, Prasad T, Lin CJ, Newman AB. Primary prevention of falls: effectiveness of a statewide program. Am J Public Health. 2014 May;104(5):e77-84. PMID: 24625164

14. Eckstein F,Boudreau RM, Wang Z, Hannon MJ, Wirth W, Cotofana S, Guermazi A, Roemer F, Nevitt M, John MR, Ladel C, Sharma L, Hunter DJ, Kwoh CK; for the OAI investigators. Trajectory of Cartilage Loss within Four Years of Knee Replacement - A Nested Case-Control Study from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Osteoarthritis Cartilage. 2014 Apr 29. pii: S1063-4584(14)01054-1. PMID: 24792212

15. Ward RE,Boudreau RM, Caserotti P, Harris TB, Zivkovic S, Goodpaster BH, Satterfield S, Kritchevsky SB, Schwartz AV, Vinik AI, Cauley JA, Simonsick EM, Newman AB, Strotmeyer ES; Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Sensory and motor peripheral nerve function and incident mobility disability. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2014 Dec;62(12):2273-9. Erratum in: J Am Geriatr Soc. 2015 Mar;63(3):625. PMID: 25482096

16. Metti AL, Yaffe K,Boudreau RM, Simonsick EM, Carnahan RM, Satterfield S, Harris TB, Ayonayon HN, Rosano C, Cauley JA Health ABC Study. Trajectories of inflammatory markers and cognitive decline over 10 years. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Dec;35(12):2785-90. PMID: 24997674

17. Smagula SF,Boudreau RM, Stone K, Reynolds CF 3rd, Bromberger JT, Ancoli-Israel S, Dam TT, Barrett-Connor E, Cauley JA; Osteoporotic Fractures in Men (MrOS) Research Group. Latent activity rhythm disturbance sub-groups and longitudinal change in depression symptoms among older men. Chronobiol Int. 2015;32(10):1427-37. PMID: 26594893 | PMCID: PMC4729211

18. Singh J, Schupf N,Boudreau R, Matteini AM, Prasad T, Newman AB, Liu Y, Christensen K, Kammerer CM. Association of aging-related endophenotypes with mortality in 2 cohort studies: the Long Life Family Study and the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. Am J Epidemiol. 2015 Dec 1;182(11):926-35. PMID: 26582777 | PMCID: PMC4668756

19. Best JR, Liu-Ambrose T,Boudreau RM, Ayonayon HN, Satterfield S, Simonsick EM, Studenski S, Yaffe K, Newman AB, Rosano C; Health, Aging and Body Composition Study. An Evaluation of the longitudinal, bidirectional associations between gait speed and cognition in older women and men. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2016 Apr 10. PMID: 27069098

20. Eckstein F,Boudreau R, Wang Z, Hannon MJ, Duryea J, Wirth W, Cotofana S, Guermazi A, Roemer F, Nevitt M, John MR, Ladel C, Sharma L, Hunter DJ, Kwoh CK; OAI Investigators. Comparison of radiographic joint space width and magnetic resonance imaging for prediction of knee replacement: A longitudinal case-control study from the Osteoarthritis Initiative. Eur Radiol. 2016 Jun;26(6):1942-51. PMID: 26376884 | PMCID: PMC4794411

21. Nadkarni NK,Boudreau RM, Studenski SA, Lopez OL, Liu G, Kritchevsky S, Yaffe K, Newman AB, Rosano C. Slow gait, white matter characteristics, and prior 10-year interleukin-6 levels in older adults.
Neurology. 2016 Nov 8;87(19):1993-1999. PMID: 27733566, PMCID: PMC5109955

22. Forman DE, Santanasto AJ,Boudreau R, Harris T, Kanaya AM, Satterfield S, Simonsick EM, Butler J, Kizer JR, Newman AB. Impact of Incident Heart Failure on Body Composition Over Time in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study Population. Circ Heart Fail. 2017
Sep;10(9): PMID: 288999889.

23. Lunney JR, Albert SM,Boudreau R, Ives D, Satterfield S, Newman AB, Harris T; Health Aging and Body Composition Study. Mobility Trajectories at the End of Life: Comparing Clinical Condition and Latent Class Approaches. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2018 Mar;66(3):503-508. PMID: 2934575010.

24. Jammy GR, Boudreau RM, Singh T, Sharma PK, Ensrud K, Zmuda JM, Reddy PS, Newman AB, Cauley JA. Volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD), bone structure, and structural geometry
among rural South Indian, US Caucasian, and Afro-Caribbean older men. Arch Osteoporos. 2018 May 22;13(1):60. PMID: 29790041

25. Barbour KE, Sagawa N,Boudreau RM, Winger ME, Cauley JA, Nevitt MC, Fujii T, Patel KV, Strotmeyer ES. Knee osteoarthritis and the risk of medically treated injurious falls among older adults: the Health ABC Study. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2018 Aug 21. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 30133173

27. Venditti EM, Zgibor JC, Vander Bilt J, Kieffer LA,Boudreau RM, Burke LE, Glynn NW, Jakicic JM, Smith KJ, Semler LN, Rager JR, Albert SM, Newman AB. Mobility and Vitality Lifestyle Program (MOVE UP): A community health worker intervention for older adults with obesity to improve weight, health, and physical function. Innov Aging. 2018 Jun 18;2(2):igy012. PMID: 30480135

28. Nagaraj N,Boudreau RM, Danielson ME, Greendale GA, Karlamangla AS, Beck TJ, Cauley JA. Longitudinal changes in hip geometry in relation to the final menstrual period: Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN). Bone. 2019 Mar 3;122:237-245. PMID: 30840919

29. Marron MM, Miljkovic I,Boudreau RM, Christensen K, Feitosa MF, Lee JH, Sebastiani P, Thyagarajan B, Wojczynski MK, Zmuda JM, Newman AB; Long Life Family Study. A novel healthy metabolic phenotype developed among a cohort of families enriched for longevity. Metabolism. 2019 May;94:28-38. PMID: 30710575

30. Lunney JR, Albert SM,Boudreau R, Ives D, Newman AB, Harris T. Fluctuating Physical Function and Health: Their Role at the End of Life. J Palliat Med. 2019 Apr;22(4):424-426. PMID: 30570377

31. Velasquez N, Moore JA,Boudreau RM, Mady LJ, Lee SE. Association of air pollutants, airborne occupational exposures, and chronic rhinosinusitis disease severity. Int Forum Allergy Rhinol. 2020 Feb;10(2):175-182. PMID: 31661614.

32. Miller-Patterson C, Han J, Yaffe K, Rosso AL, Launer LJ, Kritchevsky SB,Boudreau RM, Rosano C. Clinical and neuroimaging correlates of progression of mild parkinsonian signs in community-dwelling older adults. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2020 Jun;75:85-90. doi: 10.1016/j.parkreldis.2020.05.023. PMID: 32505084

33. Albert SM, Venditti EM,Boudreau RM, Kieffer LA, Rager JR, Zgibor JC, Vander Bilt J, Danielson ME, Burke LE, Glynn NW, Jakicic JM, Smith KJ, Semler LN, Newman AB. Weight Loss through Lifestyle Intervention Improves Mobility in Older Adults. Gerontologist. 2021 Apr 5:gnab048. doi: 10.1093/geront/gnab048. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33822933 (in press)

34. Graves JL, Qiao YS, Moored KD,Boudreau RM, Venditti EM, Krafty RT, Shiroma EJ, Harezlak J, Glynn NW. Profiles of Accelerometry-Derived Physical Activity Are Related to Perceived Physical Fatigability in Older Adults. Sensors (Basel). 2021 Mar 2;21(5):1718. doi: 10.3390/s21051718. PMID: 33801352 Free PMC article. PMCID: PMC7958607

35. Farsijani S, Xue L,Boudreau RM, Santanasto AJ, Kritchevsky SB, Newman AB. Body composition by computed tomography vs. dual energy x-ray absorptiometry: Long-term prediction of all-cause mortality in the Health ABC cohort. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2021 Apr 9:glab105. doi: 10.1093/gerona/glab105. Online ahead of print. PMID: 33835154

Book Chapters

1. Rao CR, and Boudreau RM. Diversity and Cluster Analyses of Blood Group Data on Some Human Populations. In: Aravinda Chakravarti, ed., Human Population Genetics: The Pittsburgh Symposium. Van Nostrand Reinhold Press 1984;331-362.

2. Rao CR, and Boudreau RM. Prediction of Future Observations in a Factor Analytic Growth Model. In: Krishnaiah PR ed., Multivariate Analysis VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Multivariate Analysis. North Holland Press 1985;449-466.

3. Sanders JL,Boudreau RM, Newman AB. Understanding the aging process using epidemiologic approaches. In: Newman AB and Cauley JA eds., The Epidemiology of Aging. Springer, New York. 2013 Chptr 12:187-214.

Conference Oral Presentations (selected)

1. Boudreau R, Newman AB. Symposium: Random Spaghetti or Clumps?: A Cluster Analysis of Longitudinal Changes in Physiologic Systems in the Elderly to Identify Co-Stable Subgroups of Systems and Individuals Exhibiting the Healthiest Aging. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America 62nd Annual Scientific Meeting, Atlanta, GA, November 2009. The Gerontologist. 2009;49(S2):56.

2.Boudreau RM. Principal Trend Ratio Regression: Comparing Non-Linear Longitudinal Trajectories Between Groups via a Ratio Of Inter-period Changes When a Linear Trend Fits Poorly. Session Title: Methods for Growth Curves and Trajectories - Contributed Papers. Section on Statistics in Epidemiology. 2010 Joint Statistical Meetings, July 31-Aug 5, Vancouver, BC.

3.Boudreau RM, Hunter DJ, Wang Z, Roemer F, Eckstein F, Hannon MJ, Guermazi A, Kwoh CK. A
Virtual Knee Joint Replacement Clinical Endpoint Based on Longitudinal Trends and Thresholds in KOOS Knee Pain and Function in Osteoarthritis Initiative Participants. Arthritis Rheum 2012;64 Suppl 10:S1040.

4.Boudreau RM, Province MA, Elo IT, Sebastiani P, Newman AB, Hadley E. Predicting Future Longevity in LLFS Offspring based on the Cardiovascular Health Study (CHS) Cohort. Presented at the Gerontological Society of America 66th Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. The Gerontologist, 2013, 53(S1):506

5. O'Hare CJ, Kenny R, Rosano C,Boudreau R, Newman AB, Launer LJ, Yaffe K, Aizenstein HJ. Selected vascular risk factors and future cerebral blood flow in older adults. The Gerontologist (2015) 55 (Suppl2): 151. Gerontological Society of America 68th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orland, FL, USA

6. Jacob ME,Boudreau R, Sanders JL, Arnold A, Zgibor JC, Ganguli M, Albert SM, Newman AB. Can
late-life lifestyles impact end-of-life morbidity? [Symposium]. The Gerontologist (2015) 55 (Suppl 2):801. Gerontological Society of America 68th Annual Scientific Meeting, Orland, FL, USA.

7. Strotmeyer ES,Boudreau RM, Minion SC, Cauley JA, Donohue JM, Harris TB, Newman AB, Waters TM. Sensory nerve impairment is associated with higher total Medicare costs: the Health ABC Study. Gerontologist. 2016. 56 (Suppl 3). Gerontological Society of America 69th Annual Scientific Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA.

8. Harris R,Boudreau RM, Strotmeyer ES, Brach J, Kwoh KC, Lane NE, Orwoll ES, Schwartz AV, Cawthon PM, Cauley JA. The risk of fracture among men with sarcopenia and obesity and their combination, sarcopenic obesity: the MrOS Study. J Bone Miner Res. 2017. 32(S52). The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research 39th Annual Scientific Meeting, Denver, CO, USA.

9. Winger ME,Boudreau RM, Newman AB, Cauley JA, Caserotti P, Piva SR, Harris TB, Water TM, Strotmeyer ES. Longitudinal quadriceps strength and fall injuries in Medicare claims: The Health ABC Study. Innov Aging. 2018 Nov; 2 (Suppl 1): 982–983. Published online 2018 Nov 16. Gerontological Society of America 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA, USA. PMCID: PMC6239790

10. Renner SW,Boudreau RM, Strotmeyer ES, Cawthon PM, Stone KL, Cauley JA, Glynn NW. Perceived physical fatigability increases prospective fall risk: The Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study (MrOS). Innov Aging. 2018;2(Suppl 1):200. Published 2018 Nov 11. doi:10.1093/geroni/igy023.734. Gerontological Society of America 70th Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, MA, USA.

11. Xue L,Boudreau RM, Donohue J, Zgibor C, Marcum ZA, Strotmeyer ES. Multiple medication use and risk of treated fall injury: the health abc study. Innovation in Aging, Volume 3, Issue Supplement 1, November 2019. GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin TX Nov 13-17.

12. Sanders JL, Arnold A,Boudreau R, Kritchevsky S and Newman A. Symposium: using observational data to inform candidate phenotypes for geroscience trials. Innovation in Aging, Volume 3, Issue Supplement 1, November 2019. GSA 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin TX Nov 13-17.

13. Graves J, Gmelin TA,Boudreau RM, Albert SM, Newman AB; Venditti E, Glynn NW. Perceived Physical Fatigability Improves After a Weight Management Intervention. Individual Symposium Abstract. Gerontological Society of America Annual Scientific Meeting, Nov 2020. Virtual event. Innovation in Aging, 2020, Vol. 4, No. S1
