Meredith L Hughes

  • Assistant Professor
  • Faculty in Health Policy and Management

Contributions to Public Health

My previous experience includes working as a consultant at Sellers Dorsey, where I supported the implementation and ongoing operations of Pennsylvania’s new mandatory managed LTSS program, Community HealthChoices, and working as a Policy Analyst at the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC), where I co-authored a series of reports on health care spending growth and cost containment and helped advise the BPC Governors’ Council on Medicaid policy issues.

My research focuses on Medicaid managed LTSS, home and community based services (HCBS) waiver authorities, aging and disability, family caregivers, and long-term care.

In my Health Policy Institute and the National Center on Family Support publications, I focus on identifying and articulating the key aspects of the looming long term care crisis in the United States and exploring potential solutions. The “State of Aging, Disability, and Family Caregiving in Allegheny County Report,” is a deep dive into the needs of older adults and family caregivers and includes data on changing use of technology among older adults, the demographics of aging in place and disability prevalence, and information about modifications to housing stock.


University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | Master of Public Health | 2017 | Health Policy & Management

University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA | Juris Doctor | 2017 | Health Policy & Management

American University, Washington, DC | Bachelor of Arts | 2009 | Political Science and Philosophy


HPM 2131 Public Health Law and Ethics