Jim (James) Peterson

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Faculty in Environmental and Occupational Health

The primary objective of the work in our laboratory is to elucidate the response of metalloproteins, especially hemoglobins and mitochondrial enzyme complexes, to environmental and occupational stressors/toxicants. We are also engaged in the search for chemical countermeasures to ameliorate the effects of the stressors/toxicants and the development of physical methods to study the sub-molecular, molecular and cellular mechanisms of intoxication and their antagonism by various antidotes.


1976 | University of Essex UK | BSc (Hon) Biological Chemistry
1981 | University of Essex UK | PhD Chemistry


Environmental Health Chemistry (EOH 2309)
Transport and Fate of Environmental Agents (EOH 2122)
Special Topics in Bio-inorganic Toxicology

Selected Publications

J.Peterson*, L.L. Pearce and E.L. Bominaar: “Visible Region Magnetic Linear Dichroism Spectra of Ferrocytochromec and Deoxymyoglobin: Demonstration of a New Tool for the Study of Metalloproteins” J. Am. Chem. Soc,121, 5972-5980 (1999).

L. L. Pearce, B. R. Pitt, B. R. and J.Peterson*: “The Peroxynitrite Reductase Activity of Cytochromec Oxidase Involves a Two-Electron Redox Reaction at the Hemea3-CuB site” J. Biol. Chem., 274, 35763-7 (1999).

A. J. Kannai*, L.L. Pearce, P.R. Clemens, L.A. Birder, M.M. VanBibber, S.-Y. Choi, W.C. deGroat, J.Peterson: “Identification of a Neuronal Nitric Oxide Synthase in Isolated Cardiac Mitochondria Using Electrochemical Detection”;Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 98, 14126-14131 (2001).

L.L. Pearce*, A.J. Kanai, L.A. Birder, B.R. Pitt, J.Peterson*: “The Catabolic Fate of Nitric Oxide: The Nitric Oxide Oxidase and Peroxynitrite Reductase Activities of Cytochrome Oxidase”;J. Biol. Chem. 277, 13556-13562 (2002).

E.L. Bominaar*, J.Peterson*: “Resolving Molecular Electronic Spectra Using Magnetic Linear Dichroism”;Anal. Chem. 74, 527A-533A (2002).

J. Peterson*, T.J. Collins, E. Münck, E.L. Bominaar*:  “Resolution of Overlapping Charge-transfer Transitions by a Combined Absorption-MCD-MLD Approach”; Chem. Phys. Lett., 365, 164-169 (2002).

J.Peterson*, A.J. Kanai, L.L. Pearce: “A Mitochondrial Role for Catabolism of Nitric Oxide in Cardiomyocytes not Involving Oxymyoglobin”;Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. 286, H55-H58 (2004).

L.K. Cambal, M.R. Swanson, Q. Yuan, A.C. Weitz, H.-H. Li, B.R. Pitt, L.L. Pearce and J.Peterson*: “Acute, Sublethal Cyanide Poisoning in Mice Is Ameliorated by Nitrite Alone: Complications Arising from Concomitant Administration of Nitrite and Thiosulfate as an Antidotal Combination”;Chem. Res. Tox. 24, 1104-1112 (2011).

Leah K. Cambal, Andrew C. Weitz, Hui-Hua Li, Yang Zhang, Xi Zheng, Linda L. Pearce, Jim
Peterson*: “Comparison of the relative propensities of isoamyl nitrite and sodium nitrite to ameliorate acute cyanide poisoning in mice and a novel antidotal effect arising from anesthetics”; Chem. Res. Toxicol. 26,
828-836 (2012).

Oscar S. Benz, Quan Yuan, Andrew A. Amoscato, Linda L. Pearce, Jim Peterson “Co(III)TMPyP is an Antidote for Acute Cyanide Toxicity” Chemical Research in Toxicology. (2012)25, 2687–2703.

Sang-Min Lee, Joseph N. McLaughlin, Daniel R. Frederick, Lin Zhu, Karla Wasserloos, Iris Kaminski, Octavia Peck-Palmer ,Linda Pearce, Jim Peterson, CBI Person, Jin; Joseph D. Latoche, Tim D. Oury, Cheryl L. Fattman, Donna Beer-Stolz, John F. Alcorn, Derek C. Angus, Bruce R. Pitt, A. Murat Kaynar&nbsp “Metallothionien-induced zinc partitioning exacerbates hyperoxic induced lung injury”, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol March 1, (2013) 304:L350-L360

Leah K. Cambal Andrew C. Weitz, Hui-Hua Li, Xi Zheng, Linda L. Pearce and Jim Peterson “Alternative Nitrite Therapies for Acute Cyanide Poisoning in Mice: Complications Arising from Anesthetics” Chemical Research in Toxicology. (2013) May20;26(5):828-36. PMID:23536974.

Angela Fago, Alvin L. Crumbliss, Michael P. Hendrich, Linda L. Pearce, Jim Peterson, Robert Henkens, and Celia Bonaventura “Oxygen Binding to Partially Nitrosylated Hemoglobin” Biochimica Biophysica Acta - Proteins and Proteomics Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. (2013) April 25. PMID:23624264.

Andrea A. Cronican, Kristin L.&nbsp Frawley, Humza Ahmed, Linda L. Pearce*and Jim Peterson* “Antagonism of Acute Sulfide Poisoning in Mice by Nitrite Anion without Methemoglobinemia&rdquo Chemical Research in Toxicology (2015)28(7) 1398-1408.

Oscar S. Benz, Quan Yuan, Andrea A. Cronican, Jim Peterson* and Linda L. Pearce* "Effect of Ascorbate on the Cyanide-Scavenging Capability of Cobalt(III) meso-Tetra(4-N-methylpyridyl)porphine Pentaiodide: Deactivation by Reduction?&rdquo Chemical Research in Toxicology (2016)29(3) 270-278.&nbsp

Elisenda Lopez-Monzano, Andrea A. Cronican, Kristin L. Frawley, Jim Peterson* and Linda L. Pearce* “Cyanide Scavenging by a Cobalt Schiff-base Macrocycle:&nbsp A Cost-effective Alternative to Corrinoids&rdquo Chemical Research in Toxicology (2016) April 22 DOI: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.6b00070

Samantha L. Malone Rubright, Linda L. Pearce* and Jim Peterson** “Environmental Toxicology of Hydrogen Sulfide” (invited review) Nitric Oxide(2017) 71 (1) 1-13. DOI:10.1016/j.niox.2017.09.011

Quan Yuan, Linda L. Pearce,* and Jim Peterson* “Relative Propensities of Cytochrome c Oxidase and Cobalt Corrins for Reaction with Cyanide and Oxygen: Implications for Amelioration of Cyanide Toxicity” Chemical Research in Toxicology(2017) 30(12) 2197-2308. DOI:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00275&nbsp

Kristin L. Frawley, Andrea A. Cronican, Linda L. Pearce,* and Jim Peterson* “Sulfide Toxicity and Its Modulation by Nitric Oxide in Bovine Pulmonary Artery Endothelial Cells&rdquo Chemical Research in Toxicology(2017) 30(12) 2100-2009. DOI:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00147

Andrea A. Cronican, Kristin L. Frawley, Erin P. Straw, Elisenda Lopez-Manzano, Hirunwut Praekunatham, Jim Peterson,* and Linda L. Pearce* “A Comparison of the Cyanide-Scavenging Capabilities of Some Cobalt-Containing Complexes in Mice&rdquo Chemical Research in Toxicology(2018) 31(4) 259-268. DOI:10.1021/acs.chemrestox.7b00314

Samantha L Malone, Linda L Pearce & Jim Peterson. Environmental Toxicology of Cyanide. Clinical and Experimental Toxicology of Cyanide. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons. 2015.

Kristin L. Frawley, H. Praekunatham, Andrea A. Cronican, Jim Peterson and Linda L. Pearce “Assessing Modulators of Cytochrome c oxidase Activity in Galleria mellonella Larvae”Comp. Biochem. Physiol. C: Toxicol. & Pharm.(2019)219, 77-86.

Kimberly K. Garrett, Kristin L. Frawley, Samantha Carpenter Totoni, Yookyung Bae, Jim Peterson* and Linda L. Pearce* “The Antidotal Action of Some Gold(I) Complexes Toward Phosphine Toxicity”Chemical Research in Toxicology (2019) May 16. doi: 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00095. [Epub ahead of print]

Hirunwut Praekunatham, Linda L. Pearce* and Jim Peterson* “Reaction kinetics of cyanide binding to a cobalt Schiff-base macrocycle relevant to its mechanism of antidotal action” accepted, pending revision, by Chemical Research in Toxicology(2019).

Hirunwut Praekunatham, Kimberly K. Garrett, Yookyung Bae, Andrea A. Cronican, Kristin L. Frawley, Linda L. Pearce* and Jim Peterson* “A Cobalt Schiff-base Complex as a Putative Therapeutic for Azide Poisoning”Chemical Research in Toxicology(2019) 33 333-342 DOI 10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00229.

Kristin L. Frawley, Samantha Carpenter Totoni, Yookyung Bae, Linda L. Pearce,* and Jim Peterson* “A Comparison of Potential Azide Antidotes in a Mouse Model”Chemical Research in Toxicology(2019) 33 594-603 DOI10.1021/acs.chemrestox.9b00422.

Anna C Zemke,* Cody J Madison, Naomi Kasturiarchi, Linda L Pearce and Jim Peterson: “Antimicrobial Synergism Toward Pseudomonas aeruginosa by Gallium(III) and Inorganic Nitrite” Front. Microbiol. 11, 2113 (2020).