Cynthia S McCarthy

  • Associate Professor and Director, Bioethics Certificate
  • Ethics Facilitator, Clinical and Translational Science Institute
  • Faculty in Human Genetics and Clinical and Translational Science

Contributions to Public Health

  • Academic Practice – A significant aspect of my academic practice is related to ethics education of the health care professionals, members of the public, and undergraduate students.  My focus is on patient-centered topics such as Advance Directives, Informed Consent, Confidentiality, and other topics related to improving the bedside care of individuals.  Activities in this area include the development and direction of the Bioethics Certificate, the experiential-learning seminar series called Ethics in Action and coaching the University of Pittsburgh’s Bioethics Bowl Club.
  • Public Health Practice – My public health practice/consulting work also extends to participation of Data and Safety Monitoring Boards and accreditation in home care/hospice and behavioral health.
  • Research - My current area of research is related to the ethical use of medical chaperones in intimate exams and explores the perception, experience, and needs of both patients and providers.

University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Bachelor’s Degree
December 1992
Major: Biology

Loyola University of Chicago, Chicago, IL
Master's Degree
May 1995
Philosophy, Specialization in Health Care Ethics

Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, PA
Doctoral Degree
May 2003
Doctorate in Health Care Ethics

Nationally Certified Emergency Medical Technician


PUBHLT 901: Capstone: Bioethics Certificate (Fall and Spring)
PUBHLT 0140: Public Health: First Year Seminar (Fall and Spring)
PUBSRV 1305: Health, Law, and Ethics (Fall and Spring)
