Andrea M Kriska

  • Professor Emeritus
  • Faculty in Epidemiology

As a physical activity epidemiologist, I have guided many NIH research studies in the areas of both physical activity assessment and intervention. Most notably, I led the development of the physical activity component of the US Diabetes Prevention Project (DPP) lifestyle intervention as part of the national DPP Lifestyle Resource Core and also served as the PI of an NIH funded investigation of activity/inactivity in the entire DPP cohort using both subjective and objective (accelerometer) measures. In the past, I had maintained a similar role for several other multi-center and single site
studies. With a passion towards prevention, I now focus on translating the DPP’s successful behavioral lifestyle intervention into the public health arena. As PI, I am currently writing up the results of our highly successful NIDDK grant involving the translation of the DPP’s effective behavioral lifestyle intervention into several diverse community settings ranging from senior centers and the worksite to the military. My current research as PI is an NIH funded investigation examining whether the health of sedentary, overweight people can be improved with a program initially focusing on decreasing the amount of time they spend sitting, rather than starting with an emphasis on increasing the amount of time they spend participating in physical activities.

Service is another area in which I invest a lot of time. A large part of my service is spent as a faculty member for the Diabetes Prevention Support Center, which successfully translated the DPP intervention into a version more appropriate for community use like the Group Lifestyle Balance. Due to the success of the CDC-recognized GLB, the DPSS provides training and support in lifestyle intervention efforts in diverse communities the world-wide and has trained over 3,500 health care professionals on the GLB. Much of my service efforts, including local and national committees and task forces, focus on underserved populations in which prevention efforts are most needed. Above all else, I am a very committed and effective advisor/mentor for students, serving as the primary advisor and committee chair for 16 doctoral students, 22 master’s students and 11 post-doctoral trainees as well as co-mentor to many others. In addition, I informally and formally mentored many junior, mostly minority, faculty members across the country and guided them until they achieved the status of associate professor.

In 2017, I was awarded the University of Pittsburgh’s Provost’s Award for Excellence in Mentoring for outstanding mentoring of graduate and post-graduate students seeking a research training.My experience in prevention/translation research extends from early observational efforts to intervention trials and ranges from efficacy to effectiveness. Armed with the knowledge provided by these efforts, I am passionate about taking this knowledge into the health care setting for the purpose of maximizing reach and effectiveness to all including those from underserved populations.


1977 | University of Dayton | B.S. Biology

1980 | University of Pittsburgh | M.S. Exercise Physiology

1988 | University of Pittsburgh | Ph.D. Epidemiology

1988-1991 NIDDK - Phoenix, AZ - Cardiovascular Epidemiology Post - Doc


EPIDEM 2151 - Epidemiology of Physical Activity

EPIDEM 2141- Lifestyle Intervention Theory

EPIDEM 2142- Lifestyle Intervention Practicum

Selected Publications

Over 250+ Publications

Complete List of Published Work in My Bibliography:

Armstrong M, Paternostro-Bayles M, Conroy M, Franklin B, Richardson C,Kriska A. Preparticipation Screening Prior to Physical Activity in Community Lifestyle Interventions. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine, 2018 (Accepted)

Kramer MK, Vanderwood KK, Arena VC, Miller RG, Meehan R, Eaglehouse YL, Schafer G, Venditti EM,Kriska A. Evaluation of a Diabetes Prevention Program Lifestyle Intervention in older adults: A randomized control study in three senior/community centers of varying socioeconomic status. Diabetes Educ. 2018 Apr;44(2):118-129. PMID: 29514568

Lo GH, Musa SM, Driban JB,Kriska AM, McAlindon TE, Souza RB, Petersen NJ, Storti KL, Eaton CB, Hochberg MC, Jackson RD, Kwoh CK, Nevitt MC, Suarez-Almazor ME. Running does not increase symptoms or structural progression in people with knee osteoarthritis: Data from the osteoarthritis initiative. Clinical Rheumatology. 2018 May 4 [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 29728929

Kriska A, El Ghormli L, Copeland KC, Higgins J, Levers-Landis CE, Levitt Katz LE, Trief PM, Wauters, Yasuda PM, Delahanty LM, TODAY Study Group. Impact of lifestyle behavior change on glycemic control in youth with type 2 diabetes. Pediatr Diabetes 2018 Feb;19(1):36-44. PMID: 2878429

Berkowitz RI, Marcus MD, Anderson, BJ, Delahanty L, Grover N,Kriska A, Laffel L, Syme A, Venditti E, Van Buren DJ, Wilfley DE, Yasuda P, Hirst K, for the TODAY Study Group. Adherence to a lifestyle program for youth with type 2 diabetes and its association with treatment outcome in the TODAY Clinical trial. Pediatric Diabetes. 2017 Jun 30. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID: 28664624

Eaglehouse YL, Venditti EM, Kramer MK, Arena VC, Vanderwood KK, Rockette-Wagner B,Kriska AM. Factors related to lifestyle goal achievement in a Diabetes Prevention Program dissemination study. Translational Preventive Medicine. 2017 Dec;7(4):873-880. PMID: 28397158

Lott MP,Kriska A, Barinas-Mitchell E, Wang L, Storti K, Winger DG, Conroy M. Impact of lifestyle strategies on longer-term physical activity and weight. Journal of Physical Activity & Health. 2017 Aug;14(8):606-611. PMID: 28422536

Rockette-Wagner B, Storti KL, Dabelea D, Edelstein S, Flores H, Franks PW, Montez MG, Pomeroy J,Kriska AM. Activity and sedentary time 10 years after a successful lifestyle intervention; the Diabetes Prevention Program. The American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2017 Mar;52(3):292-299. PMID: 27887769

Rockette-Wagner B, Hipwell AE,Kriska AM, Storti KL, McTigue KM. Activity levels over four years in a cohort of urban-dwelling adolescent females. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2017 Apr;49(4):695-701. PMID: 27875500

Burke LE, Shiffman S, Music E, Styn MA,Kriska A, Smailagic A, Siewiorek D, Ewing LJ, Chasens E, French B, Mancino J, Mendez D, Strollo P, Rathbun SL. Ecological Momentary Assessment in Behavioral Research: Addressing Technological and Human Participant Challenges. J Med Internet Res. 2017 Mar 15;19(3):e77.

Murillo R, Lambiase MJ, Rockette-Wagner BJ,Kriska AM, Haibach JP, Thurston RC. Racial/ethnic differences in the associations between physical activity and sleep duration: a population-based study. J Phys Act Health. 2017 Feb; 14(2):138-144. PMID: 27918684

Rockette-Wagner B, Storti KL, Edelstein S, Delahanty LM, Galvin B, Jackson A,Kriska AM. Measuring physical activity and sedentary behavior in youth with type 2 diabetes. Child Obes 2017 Feb;13(1):72-77.

Bacha F, Gidding SS, Pyle L, Levitt Katz L,Kriska A, Nadeau KJ, Lima JA; Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) Study Group. Relationship of cardiac structure and function to cardiorespiratory fitness and lean body mass in adolescents and young adults with type 2 diabetes. J Pediatr. 2016 Oct;177:159-166.

Powell RO, Siminerio L,Kriska A, Rickman A, Jakicic JM. Physical activity counseling by diabetes educators delivering diabetes self-management education and support. The Diabetes Educator. 2016 Oct;42(5):596-606. PMID: 27538828

Eaglehouse YL(*), Rockette-Wagner B, Kramer MK, Arena VC, Miller RG, Vanderwood KK,Kriska AM. Physical activity levels in a community lifestyle intervention: a randomized trial. Translational Journal of the American College of Sports Medicine. 2016 Jun 1;1(5):45-51. PMID: 27551690

White-Hart DA, Rofey DL, Kriska AM, Venditti EM, Gibbs BB, Gallagher JD, Jakicic JM. The impact of expressing concern for a child’s weight on the parents perception of child weight and the parents concern for future weight problems. J of Childhood Obesity. 2016:1(4):23.

Eaglehouse YL(*), Schafer GL, Arena VC, Kramer MK, Miller RG,Kriska AM. Impact of a community-based lifestyle intervention program on health-related quality of life. Qual Life Res. 2016 25:1903-1912. PMID: 26896960. PMCID: PMC5496447

White DA, Rofey DL,Kriska A, Venditti EM, Gibbs BB, Gallagher JD, Jakicic JM. Parental influences on child weight: perception, willingness to change, and barriers. Journal of Obesity & Weight Loss Therapy. 2016;6:293.

Sattin RW, Williams LB, Dias J, Garvin JT, Marion L, Joshua TV,Kriska A, Kramer MK, Venkat Narayan KM. Community Trial of a Faith-Based Lifestyle Intervention to Prevent Diabetes Among African-Americans. Journal of Community Health. 2016 Feb; 41(1)87-96.

Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group, Nathan DM, Barrett-Connor E, Crandall JP, Edelstein SL, Goldberg RB, Horton ES, Knowler WC, Mather KJ, Orchard TJ, Pi-Sunyer X, Schad D, Temprosa M. Long-term effects of lifestyle intervention or metformin on diabetes development and microvascular complications over 15-year follow-up: the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet Diabetes Endicrinology. 2015 Nov;3(11):866-75. PMID: 26377054 PMCID: PMC4623946

Kelsey MM, Geffner ME, Guandalini C, Pyle L, Tamborlane WV, Zeitler PS, White NH. Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth Study Group. Presentation and effectiveness of early treatment of type 2 diabetes in youth: lessons from the TODAY study. Pediatr Diabetes. 2016 May;17(3):212-21. doi: 10.1111/pedi.12264. Epub 2015 Feb 17. PMID: 25690268

Gao S, Stone RA, Hough LJ, Haibach JP, Marcus BH, Ciccolo JT,Kriska AM, Burkitt KH, Steenkiste AR, Berger MA, Sevick MA. Physical activity counseling in overweight and obese primary care patients: Outcomes of the VA-STRIDE randomized controlled trial. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2015;2;3:113-20.
Janney CA(*), Ganguli R, Tang G, Cauley JA, Holleman RG, Richardson CR,Kriska AM. Physical activity and sedentary behavior measured objectively and subjectively in overweight and obese adults with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. J Clin Psychiatry 2015;76:10,e1277-84.

Eaglehouse YL(*), Kramer MK, Rockette-Wagner B, Arena VC,Kriska AM. Evaluation of physical activity reporting in community Diabetes Prevention Program lifestyle intervention efforts: A systematic review. Preventive Medicine 2015;77,191-199.

Rockette-Wagner B(*),Kriska A, Edelstein S, Venditti Em, Reddy D, Bray G, Carrion-Peterson ML, Dabelea D, Rubon R, Delahanty LM, Florez H, Franks PW, Montez M, for the Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. The impact of lifestyle intervention on sedentary time in individuals at high risk of diabetes. Diabetologia. 2015 Jun;58(6):1198-202.

Belalcazar LM, Lang W, Haffner SM, Schwenke DC,Kriska A, Balasubramanyam A, Hoogeveen RC, Pi-Sunyer FX, Tracy RP, Ballantyne CM, Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Research Group. Improving Adiponectin Levels in Individuals with Diabetes and Obesity: Insights from Look AHEAD. Diabetes Care. 2015 May 13.

Kramer MK, Molenaar DM, Arena VC, Venditti EM, Meehan RJ, Miller RG, Vanderwood KK, Eaglehouse Y,Kriska AM. Improving employee health: evaluation of a worksite lifestyle change program to decrease risk factors for diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine. 2015 Mar;57(3):284-91.

Vanderwood KK, Kramer MK, Miller RG, Arena VC,Kriska AM. Evaluation of non-invasive screening measures to identify individuals with prediabetes. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice. 2015;107(1):194-201. PMID: 25441924. PMCID: PMC4747094

Conroy MB, Sward KL, Spadaro KC, Tudorascu D, Karpov I, Jones BL,Kriska AM, Kapoor WN. Effectiveness of a Physical Activity and Weight Loss Intervention for Middle-Aged Women: Healthy Bodies, Healthy Hearts Randomized Trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2015 Feb;30(2):207-13.

Taradash J(*), Kramer M, Molenaar D, Arena V, Vanderwood K,Kriska AM. Recruitment for a diabetes prevention program translation effort in a worksite setting. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2015 Jan 26. 41:204-10. PMID: 25633207. PMCID: PMC4403860

Espeland MA, Glick HA, Bertoni A, Brancati FL, Bray GA, Clark JM, Curtin JM, Egan C, Evans M, Foreyt JP, Ghazarian S, Grega EW, Hazuda HP, Hilt JO, Hire D, Horton ES, Hubbard VS, Jakicic JM, Jeffery RW, Johnson KC, Kahn SE, Killean T, Kitabchi AE, Knowleer WC,Kriska A, Lewis CE, Miller M, Montez MG, Murillo A, Nathan DM, Nyenwe Ebenezer, Patricio J, Peters AL, Pi-Sunyer X, Pownall H, Redman JB, Rushing J, Ryan DH, Safford M, Tsai AG, Wadden TA, Wing RR, Yanovski SZ, Zhang P, Look AHEAD Research Group. Impact of an intensive lifestyle intervention on use and cost of medical services among overweight and obese adults with Type 2 diabetes The Action for Health in Diabetes. Diabetes Care 2014;37:2548-2556

Hawkins M(*), Gabriel KP, Cooper J, Storti KL, Sutton-Tyrrell K,KriskaA. The impact of change in physical activity on change in arterial stiffness in overweight or obese sedentary young adults. Vascular Medicine (London, England). 2014 May 30;19(4):257-263.
Jaacks LM, Ma Y, Davis N, Delahanty LM, Mayer-Davis EJ, Franks PW, Brown-Friday J, Isonaga M,Kriska AM, Venditti EM, Wylie-Rosett J, The Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Long-term changes in dietary and food intake behaviour in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Diabetic Medicine: A Journal of The British Diabetic Association. 2014 Dec;31(12)1631-42.

Hawkins MS(*), Hough LJ, Newman MA, Mor MK, Steenkiste AR, Gao S, Stone RA, Burkitt KH, Marcus BH, Ciccolo JT,Kriska AM, Klinvex DT, Sevick MA. Recruitment of veterans from primary care into a physical activity randomized controlled trial: the experience of the VA-STRIDE study. Trials. 2014 Jan 7;15(1):11.

Orchard TJ, Temprosa M, Barrett-Connor E, Fowler SE, Goldberg RB, Mather KJ, Marcovina SM, Montez M, Ratner RE, Saudek CD, Sherif H, Watson KE, Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study Research Group. Long-term effects of the Diabetes Prevention Program interventions on cardiovascular risk factors: a report from the DPP Outcomes Study. Diabet Med. 2013 Jan;30(1):46-55. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-5491.2012.03750.x. PMID: 22812594

Kriska A, Delahanty L, Edelstein S, Galvin B, Syme A, Amodei N, Chadwick J, Copeland K, El Ghormli L, Haymond M, Lassiter C, Mayer-Davis E, Milaszewski K, Kelsey M. Sedentary behavior and physical activity in youth with recent onset of type 2 diabetes. Pediatrics 2013 Mar;131(3):e850-6.
Davis NJ, Ma Y, Delahanty LM, Hoffman HJ, Mayer-Davis E, Franks PW, Brown-Friday J, Isonaga M,Kriska AM, Venditti EM, Wylie-Rosett J, Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Predictors of sustained reduction in energy and fat intake in the diabetes prevention program outcomes study intensive lifestyle intervention. Journal of The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2013 Nov;113(11):1455-64. 24144073

Belalcazar LM, Haffner SM, Lang W, Hoogeveen RC, Rushing J, Schwenke DC, Tracy RP, Pi-Sunyer FX,Kriska AM, Ballantyne CM, the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) Research Group. Lifestyle intervention and/or statins for the reduction of C-reactive protein in type 2 diabetes: From the Look AHEAD Study. Obesity 2013 May;21(5):944-950.
Copeland KC, Higgins J, El Ghormli L, Delahanty L, Grey M,Kriska AM, Lipman TH, Pyle L, Shepherd J, Hirst K. (TODAY Study Group). Treatment effects on measures of body composition in the TODAY clinical trial. Diabetes Care 2013;36:1742-48.

Storti KL, Lawrentz EM, Arena VC, Robertson, RJ, Nagle EF,Kriska AM. Recall of past activity levels in young adults is predictive of adolescent activity levels. Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 2013;3(3):280-284.

Berger MA(*), Shin C, Storti KL, Curb J,Kriska AM, Arena VC, Choo J, Ueshima H, Miura K, Seto T, Masaki K, El-Saed A, Sekikawa A. Correlation of self-report and direct measures of physical activity levels in the electron-beam tomography and risk assessment among Japanese and U.S. men in the post-World War II birth cohort. ERA-JUMP study. Journal of Epidemiology 2013;23(6):411-417.
Smith HA, Storti KL, Arena V,Kriska AM, Gabriel KK, Sutton-Tyrrell K, Hames KC, Conroy MB. Associations between accelerometer-derived physical activity and regional adiposity in young men and women. Obesity 2013 June;21(6):1299-305.
Pettee Gabriel KP, Klifa C, P�rez A, Kriska AM, High RR, Snetselaar L, Dorgan JF. Adolescent and Young Adult Exposure to Physical Activity and Breast Density. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 2013 45(8):1515-1523.
Kramer MK, Cepak Y, Venditti EM, Semler LN,Kriska AM. Evaluation of the Group Lifestyle Balance Program for Diabetes Prevention in a Hispanic Women Infant and Children (WIC) Population. Journal of Diversity and Equality in Health and Care 2013;10:73-82.

Janney CA(*), Ganguli R, Richardson CR, Holleman RG, Tang G, Cauley JA,Kriska A. Sedentary behavior and psychiatric symptoms in overweight and obese adults with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorders (WAIST Study). Schizophr Res 2013 Apr;145(1-3):63-8.
Delahanty L, Kriska A, Edelstein S, Amodei N, Chadwick J, Copeland K, Galvin B, El ghormli L, Haymond M, Kelsey MM, Lassiter C, Milaszewski K, Syme A, Mayer-Davis E. Self-reported dietary intake of youth with recent onset of type 2 diabetes: results from the TODAY study. J of Acad Nutr Diet 2013 Mar;113(3):431-9.

Williams L, Sattin RW, Dias J, Garvin JT, Marion L, Joshua T,Kriska A, Kramer MK, Echouffo-Tcheugui JB, Freeman A, Venkat Narayan KM. Design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a diabetes prevention program within African-American churches: the Fit Body and Soul Study. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2013 14;34:336-347.

Hawkins M(*), Belalcazar LM, Schelbert KB, Richardson C, Ballantyne CM,Kriska A. Response to Zhou et al. “Letter to the Editor: The effects of various intensities of physical activity and chronic inflammation in men and women by diabetes status in a national sample”. Diabetes Res Clin Pract. 2013 Feb 99(2); e20.

Pettee Gabriel KP, Matthews KA, P�rez, A, Edmundowicz D, Kohl HW, Hawkins MS, Janak JC,KriskaAM, Kuller L H. Self-reported and accelerometer-derived physical activity levels and coronary artery calcification progression in older women: results from the Healthy Women Study. Menopause 2013 Feb; 20(2):152–161.
Nelson RK, Horowitz J, Holleman RG, Swartz AM, Strath SJ,Kriska AM, Richardson CR. Daily physical activity predicts degree of insulin resistance: a cross-sectional observational study using the 2003-2004 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2013 Jan 28;10(1):10.

Florez H, Pan Q, Ackermann RT, Marrero DG, Barrett-Connor E, Delahanty L,Kriska A, Saudek CD, Goldberg RB, Rubin RR. Impact of lifestyle intervention and Metformin on health-related quality of life: the Diabetes Prevention Program randomized trial. Journal of General Internal Medicine 2012 Dec;27(12):1594-1601.

Belalcazar LM, Lang W, Haffner SM, Hoogeveen RC, Pi-Sunyer FX, Schwenke DC, Balasubramanyam A, Tracy RP,Kriska AM, Ballantyne CM, Look AHEAD Research Group. Adiponectin and the mediation of HDL-cholesterol change with improved lifestyle: the Look AHEAD Study. Journal of lipid research. 2012 Dec;53(12):2726-33.

Jones DL, Bhanegaonkar AJ, Billings AA,Kriska AM, Irrgang JJ, Crossett LS, Kwoh CK. Differences between actual and expected leisure activities after total knee arthroplasty for osteoarthritis. The Journal of Arthroplasty 2012;27(7):1289-96.

Fretts AM, Howard BV, McKnight B, Duncan GE, Beresford SA, Calhoun D,Kriska AM, Storti KL, Siscovick DS. Modest levels of physical activity are associated with a lower incidence of diabetes in a population with a high rate of obesity: The Strong Heart Family Study. Diabetes Care 2012;35(8);1743-5.

Hawkins M(*), Belalcazar LM, Schelbert KB, Richardson C, Ballantyne CM,Kriska A. The effect of various intensities of physical activity and chronic inflammation in men and women by diabetes status in a national sample. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2012;97(1):e6-8.

Casas RS, Pettee Gabriel KK,Kriska AM, Kuller LH, Conroy MB. Association of leisure physical activity and sleep with cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women. Menopause 2012;19(4):413-9.

Kuller LH, Pettee Gabriel KK, Kinzel LS, Underwood DA, Conroy MB, Chang Y, Mackey RH, Edmundowicz D, Tyrrell KS, Buhari AM,Kriska AM. The Women on the Move through Activity and Nutrition (WOMAN) Study: final 48-month results. Obesity 2012;20(3):636-43.

Kramer MK, Venditti E, Semler LN,Kriska AM, Miller RG, Orchard TJ. Long-term strategies for diabetes prevention: Evaluation of the Group Lifestyle Balance post-core sessions focusing on carbohydrate and hunger management. J Diabetes Metab. 2012;0:6:S2-006.

Zeitler P, Hirst K, Pyle L, Linder B, Copeland K, Arslanian S, Cuttler L, Nathan DM, Tollefsen S, Wilfley D, Kaufman F, TODAY Study Group. A clinical trial to maintain glycemic control in youth with type 2 diabetes. The New England Journal of Medicine 2012;366(24):2247-56.

Pintar J(*), Storti K, Arena V, Robertson R, Nagle E,Kriska A. What is the role of adolescent body mass index and physical activity on adult health risk behaviors? Open Journal of Preventive Medicine 2012;2(1):72-78.

Bacha F, Pyle L, Nadeau K, Cuttler L, Goland R, Haymond M, Levitsky L, Lynch J, Weinstock RS, White NH, Caprio S, Arslanian S; TODAY Study Group. Determinants of glycemic control in youth with type 2 diabetes at randomization in the TODAY study. Pediatr Diabetes. 2012 Aug;13(5):376-83. doi: 10.1111/j.1399-5448.2011.00841.x. Epub 2012 Feb 15. PMID: 22332798

Dorgan JF, Liu L, Barton BA, Deshmukh S, Snetselaar LG, Ban Horn L, Stevens VJ, Robson AM, Lasser NL, Himes JH, Shepherd JA, Pourfarzib R, Pette Gabriel K,Kriska A, Kwiterovich PO Jr. Adolescent diet and metabolic syndrome in young women: results of the Dietary Intervention Study in Children (DISC) follow-up study. J Clin Endo Metab 2011; 96(12):E1999-2008.

Conroy, MB, Yang K, Elci OU, Pettee Gabriel K, Styn MA, Wang J,Kriska AM, Sereika SM, Burke LE. Physical activity self-monitoring and weight loss: 6-month results of the SMART trial. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2011;43(8):1568-74.

Hawkins MS(*), Sevick MA, Richardson CR, Fried LF, Arena VC,Kriska AM. Association between physical activity and kidney function: National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2011;43(8):1457-64.

Walker RE, Fryer CS, Butler J, Keane CR,Kriska A, Burke JG. Factors influencing food buying practices in residents of a low-income food desert and a low-income food oasis. Journal of Mixed Methods Research 2011 July; 5(3):247.

Pettee Gabriel KK, Conroy MB, Schmid KK, Storti KL, High RR, Underwood DA, Kriska AM, Kuller LH. The impact of weight and fat mass loss and increased physical activity on physical function in overweight, postmenopausal women: results from the Women on the Move through Activity and Nutrition Study. Menopause 2011;18(7):759-65.

Kumar S, Quinn SC,Kriska AM, Thomas SB. Food is directed to the area: African Americans’ perceptions of the neighborhood nutrition environment in Pittsburgh. Health & Place 2011 Jan;17(1):370-378.

Kramer MK, Kriska AM,Venditti EM, et al. A novel approach to diabetes prevention: evaluation of the Group Lifestyle Balance program delivered via DVD. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 2010;90(3):e60-3

Storti KL(*), Pettee Gabriel KK, Underwood DA, Kuller LH,Kriska AM. Physical activity and coronary artery calcification in two cohorts of women representing early and late post-menopause. Menopause 2010;17(6):1146-1151.

Belelcazar LM, Reboussin DM, Haffner SM, Hoogeveen RC,Kriska AM, Schwenke DC, Tracy RP, Pi-Sunyer FX, Ballantyne CM. A 1-year intervention for weight loss in individuals with type 2 diabetes reduces high C-reactive protein levels and identifies metabolic predictors of change: from the Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes) study. Diabetes Care 2010;33(11):2297-303.

Pettee Gabriel KK, McClain JJ, Schmid KK, Storti KL, High RR, Underwood DA, Kuller LH,Kriska AM. Issues in accelerometer methodology; the role of epoch length on estimates of physical activity and relationships with health outcomes. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2010;15(7):53.

Janney CA, Cauley JA, Cawthon PM,Kriska AM. Longitudinal physical activity changes in older men in the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 2010;58(6):1128-33.

Dorgan JF, Liu L, Klifa C, Hylton N, Shepherd JA, Stanczyk FZ, Snetselaar LG, Van Horn L, Stevens VJ, Robson A, Kwiterovich Jr. PO, Lasser NL, Himes JH, Pette Gabriel KK,Kriska AM, Ruder EH, Fang CY, Barton BA. Adolescent diet and subsequent serum hormones, breast density, and bone mineral density in young women: the Dietary Intervention Study in Children follow-up Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2010;19(6)1545-1556.

Walker RE, Butler J,Kriska A, Keane C, Fryer CS, Burke JG. How Does Food Security Impact Residents of a Food Desert and a Food Oasis? Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition 2010;5(4):454-70.

The TODAY Study Group. Design of a family-based lifestyle intervention for youth with type 2 diabetes: the TODAY Study. International Journal of Obesity 2010;34(2):217-226. PMID: 19823189. PMCID: PMC2822093

Kuk JL, Davachi S,Kriska AM, Riddel MC, Gregg EW. Pre-diabetes detection and intervention for high risk communities. Journal of Physical Activity and Health 2010;7(Suppl 3), S327-S340.

Kramer KM,Kriska AM, Venditti EM, Miller RG, Brooks MM, Burke LE, Siminerio LM, Solano FX, Orchard TJ. Translating the diabetes prevention program: a comprehensive model for prevention training and program delivery. American Journal Preventive Medicine 2009;37(6):505–511.

Storti KL, Arena VC, Barmada MM, Bunker CB, Hanson RL, Laston SL, Yeh JL, Zmuda JM, Howard BV, Kriska AM. Physical activity levels in American Indian adults: the Strong Heart Family Study. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 2009; 37:481-487.

Knowler WC, Fowler SE, Hamman RF, Christophi CA, Hoffman HJ, Brenneman AT, Brown-Friday JO, Goldberg R, Venditti E, Nathan DM, Diabetes Prevention Program. 10-year follow-up of diabetes incidence and weight loss in the Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study. Lancet 2009; 274;1677-86.

Fretts AM, Howard BV,Kriska AM, Smith NL, Lumley T, Lee ET, Russell M, and Siscovick D. Physical activity and incident diabetes in American Indians: The Strong Heart Study. AJE 2009; 170:632-639.

Newman MA, Pettee KK, Storti KL, Richardson CR, Kuller LH, Kriska AM. Monthly variation and physical activity levels in post-menopausal women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2009;41:2:322-327.

Hawkins MS, Storti KL, Richardson CR, King WC, Strath SJ, Holleman RG,Kriska AM. Objectively measured physical activity of U.S. adults by sex, age, and racial/ethnic groups: a cross-sectional study. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act 2009;6:31.

Dodani S, Kramer KM, Williams L, Crawford S,Kriska AM. Fit Body and Soul: A church based behavioral lifestyle program for diabetes prevention in African Americans. Ethnicity and Disease 2009;19: 135-141.

Yankura DJ (*), Conroy M, Hess R, Pettee K, Kuller L, and Kriska AM. Weight regain and health-related quality of life in postmenopausal women. Obesity 2008;10:2259-65.

Janney CA (*), Richardson CR, Holleman RG, Glasheen C, Strath SJ, Conroy MB, and Kriska AM. Gender, mental health service use, and objectively measured physical activity: data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES 2003-2004). Mental Health and Physical Activity 2008;1:9-16.

Bray GA, Jablonski KA, Fujimoto WY, Barrett-Connor E, Haffner S, Hanson RL, Hill JO, Hubbard V,Kriska A, Stamm E, Pi-Sunyer FX, Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. Relation of central adiposity and body mass index to the development of diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2008 May;87(5):1212-8.

Storti KL (*), Pettee KK, Brach JS, Richardson CR, and Kriska AM. Gait speed and step-count monitor accuracy in community dwelling older adults. Medicine & Science in Sports and Exercise 2008;