
Albert on how to remain independent as you age


If you want to stay in your home as you grow old, start paying attention to these things now

MARKETWATCH — One of the biggest decisions as you age is where you will age. Three-quarters of adults in an AARP survey said they wanted to remain in their homes, but only 59% thought they would be able to do so. If remaining at home is your preference, here are nine steps you can take:


8. Start saving money

Remaining at home can be expensive. Home modifications can range from inexpensive changes (railings or flashing doorbells) to major expenses such as stairlifts. Medicare does not cover home modifications. Medicaid may provide some coverage, but each state’s program is different.

Start saving for these costs now. “Older people who have paid off a mortgage and invested in adaptations to minimize effects of disability are best off,” says Steven Albert, professor at University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health and editor of the journal Innovation in Aging.

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