
New course offering just added for spring 2020

PUBHLT 2019: Literature and Film to Understand Patient-Practitioner Experiences
An Interprofessional Health Sciences Course (Elective/Selective) 

Tuesdays; 5:00PM - 7:00PM; 384 Salk Hall
Instructor: Dr Cindy Bryce 

Literature and Film to Understand Patient-Practitioner Experiences explores film and literature depictions of “being human” in the context of “being a health provider/educator” and “being a patient.”

This course is open to students in the health sciences. To encourage interprofessional discussions, the course is cross-listed among schools of the health sciences and selectively enrolls learners from each of the schools. The course requires learners to read and watch selected works, identify and analyze the critical humanistic components of the works, and participate in group discussions and other activities related to the works. A team of interprofessional health sciences faculty teach the course.   

This is a 1-credit class that meets on eight (8) selected Tuesdays, January through April. The class meets from 5-7pm in Salk Hall. Most class-related materials (films, books) will be provided on loan to learners.

PUBHLT 2019 flyer (PDF)


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