
How to increase OMET student survey response rates

With OMET student surveys now available to students, it is time to start thinking about implementing effective strategies that encourage students to provide feedback. While you should be reminding students, inside and out of class, to complete the surveys prior to the deadline, some less-than-obvious tips include:

  • Dedicating class time to completing the survey. The easiest way to increase response rates is to incorporate the survey into a class session that most students will attend, such as an exam review, for about 5-10 minutes. It goes without saying, but leave the room during this time in order to allow students to feel comfortable giving honest answers.
  • Having students bring their laptops to class. As OMETs are only available online, one professor with nearly a 90% response rate, said he tells his students to bring their laptops to class but doesn’t tell them why. He then gives them a few minutes at the end of class to complete the survey.
  • Explaining the value of constructive feedback. Research shows that when professors ask students to provide meaningful evaluations to help design and improve the course, students will be more likely to complete the survey. Completing the OMET is an opportunity for students to have their voices heard!
  • Providing incentives. Another way to ensure that students complete surveys is to offer incentives such as extra credit or snacks! One professor with a high response rate stated that he gives a doughnut to every student who completes the OMET.

If you are interested in learning about more tips, visit the OMET faculty information Web site.


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