My research, teaching, and practice aim to promote equity-based solutions that address the impact of racism and oppression on health throughout the life course. For over 20 years, I have worked to advance racial and socioeconomic equity, justice, and well-being in pregnancy, birth, and women’s health. My work is guided by frameworks such as Public Health Critical Race Praxis, Reproductive Justice, and Community-Partnered Research Approaches.
I am the founding MPI of the EMBRACE (Equity in Maternal and Birthing Outcomes and Reproductive HeAlth through Community Engagement) Center (MPIs: Birru-Talabi, Simhan), an NIH-funded Maternal Health Center of Excellence. The center is dedicated to advancing maternal and reproductive health equity and justice through multidisciplinary research, training, practice, and policy efforts, with a focus on Black birthing people in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and the surrounding region. My team and I have also developed novel approaches to measuring and understanding structural and social contexts, including racism and oppression via real-time data collection using mobile devices coupled with ecological momentary assessment (EMA) and geographical momentary assessment (GMA) in pregnancy-related studies such as the Postpartum Mothers Mobile Study. I also lead research into structural and policy-based interventions aimed at improving maternal health through the STudy of Racial Equity Among Medicaid Recipients (STREAMR) (MPI: Jarlenski). The overall aim of my research and practice is to identify and implement sustainable interventions that address the root causes of inequities in maternal and reproductive health as well as disseminate research that supports equity-based structural practices and policies.
I have also worked closely with community-based and governmental agencies to address inequity in maternal and infant health including the Birth Equity Strategies Together (BEST) Allegheny County Initiative, the Black Equity Coalition (BEC) and formerly serving on Pennsylvania Maternal Mortality Review Committee.
2002 | Spelman College, Atlanta, GA | BA
2005 | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC | MPH (Maternal and Child Health)
2005 | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC | Interdisciplinary Certificate in Health Disparities
2009 | University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC | PhD (Maternal and Child Health, minor in Epidemiology; specialization in Perinatal Epidemiology)
Social Epidemiology
Women's Health Epidemiology; Research Seminar in Reproductive/Perinatal/Pediatric Epidemiology
Overview of Health Equity; Research Methods in Health Equity
- Méndez DD, Tapia A, Sanders a, Casas A, Smalls M, Davis EM, Rathbun S, Gary-Webb T, Burke L, Omowale S, Adodoadji L, Gianakas J, Lai Y, Feghali M, Wallace M. Real-time experiences of racism and stress in association with postpartum weight retention: A longitudinal ecological momentary assessment study. American Journal of Epidemiology. 2024.
- Ragavan MI, Méndez DD, Caballero TM. Promoting Language Justice for Children With Medical Complexity and Their Families: An Urgent Call to Action. Hosp Pediatr. 2024 Aug 1;14(8):e358-e361. doi: 10.1542/hpeds.2024-007792. PMID: 39069818; PMCID: PMC11287058.
- Jarlenski M, Cole E, McClure C, Sanders S, Smalls M, Méndez DD. Implementation and early effects of Medicaid policy interventions to promote racial equity in pregnancy and early childhood outcomes in Pennsylvania: protocol for a mixed methods study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2024 Apr 22;24(1):498. doi: 10.1186/s12913-024-10982-5. PMID: 38649983; PMCID: PMC11036682.
- Isiguzo C, Documet P, Demirci JR, Youk A, Mendez G, Davis EM, Méndez DD. Comparative Assessment of Exclusive Breastfeeding Rates From 24-Hour Recall and Since Birth Methods in Southwestern Pennsylvania Using Ecological Momentary Assessment. J Hum Lact. 2023 Nov; 39(4): 584-594. doi: 10.1177/08903344231193734. PMID: 37675868.
- Hill AV, Dyer HP, Gianakas J, Howze R, King A, Gary-Webb TL, Méndez DD. Correlates of COVID-19 Vaccine Uptake in Black Adults Residing in Allegheny County, PA. Health Equity. 2023 Aug 23;7(1):419-429. doi: 10.1089/heq.2022.0215. PMID: 37638118; PMCID: PMC10457607.
- Méndez DD, Christian S, Casas A, Scott S, Hardy H, Harris R, Wilkerson A, Gary-Webb T. Instituting Racial Equity: The Allegheny County Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) Initiative. Community Health Equity Research and Policy J 2022 Oct 20. PubMed PMID: 36263958.
- Méndez DD, Scott J, Adodoadji L, Toval C, McNeil M, Sindhu M. Racism as Public Health Crisis: Assessment and Review of Municipal Declarations and Resolutions Across the United States. Front Public Health 2021 Aug 11;9:686807. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.686807.
- Méndez DD, Sanders SA, Lai Y, Wallace ML, Rathbun SL, Gary-Webb TL, Davis EM, Burke LE. Ecological Momentary Assessment of Stress, Racism and Other Forms of Discrimination During Pregnancy Using Smartphone Technology. Peri Ped Epi J 2020. doi: 10.1111/ppe.12619. PMID: 31930744.
- Méndez DD, Sanders S, Karimi H, Gharani P, Gary-Webb T, Wallace M, Davis E, Gianakas J, Burke L. Understanding Pregnancy and Postpartum Health Using Ecological Momentary Assessment and Mobile Technology: Protocol for the PMOMS Study. JMIR Protocols. 2019. Jun 26; 8(6):e13569. PMID: 31244478.
- Méndez DD, Hogan VK, Culhane JF. Institutional racism, neighborhood factors, stress, and preterm birth. Ethnicity and Health. 2014;19(5):479-99. Epub Oct 18 2013.
- Additional Publications